Spoiler warning! This article contains plot details about an upcoming episode. |
A Climate of Death is the fourth episode of the twenty fourth series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders.
Sleepy Goodman's Land, known as the greenest village in Midsomer, is bought by a Texas oilman. Some villagers are very upset that a Texan will be ruining their eco village. Also at stake is the ownership of the village. Then people are killed. DCI Barnaby and DS Winter must connect the clues to solve the grisly murders.
Plot, Part 1[]
Out in the serene countryside of Midsomer County, a woman surveys the land and looks at a computerized measurement device. From the roof of a house, a weathervane is pulled down. A milk truck dries by the sign to Goodman’s land.
Danny Tarleton leaves his house wearing jogging attire. He waves at his dad through the kitchen window. "New day. New dawn." His dad comes to the door. Danny says, "Ah come on dad, nothing could possibly go wrong." Liam Tarleton says, "Let’s hope so.”
A milk truck drives by and Danny punches the air while running. He comes up to a line of trash cans and stops. Then he is running through a field.
MURDER 1: Danny comes to a stile and sees a hooded man hanging over it, apparently asleep or injured. Danny says, “Hello. Is everything alright? Hello. Is everything OK.” As he gets closer, the man turns around and stabs him with the weathervane.
At the Green Man Pub, Brian Havergal puts something in the recycling bin. He stacks boxes outside and lines up bottles of Bamboo Bulk Washing up liquid. Dixie Havergal moves chili plants to a table outside and drinks a bottle of red liquid: “Hotter than a Burnt Bagel” Spicy Sauce.
Outside his house, DCI John Barnaby is pacing in front and holds a glass of green liquid as DS Winter arrives wearing a three piece suit in light blue. Winter asks, “Everything alright, Sir?” Barnaby replies, “Oh, I’ve had better starts to my day. Only on 66 steps.” Winter says, “With a 10,000 target, huh?” Sarah Barnaby comes out of the front door drinking the green stuff. Sarah says, “Woo. That will put hairs on your chest. Hey Jamie, can’t stop, picking up Betty from a sleepover. And don’t forget we’re at the climbing wall party later. We’re on a health kick.” She runs off. Barnaby offers the green juice to Winter, who passes. Then Barnaby waits until Sarah is out of sight and dumps the green liquid in the bushes. Barnaby says to Winter, "Right, let’s get started." And passes the empty glass to Winter, who looks at it questioningly.
A blonde walks out of the Green Man wearing a trench coat, looking at her phone and arranging her hair. Someone is taking photos of her. She puts on her helmet and gets on a scooter. Someone follows her on a bike.
At Goodman’s Land Eco Park, the detectives arrive. Goodman's Land Eco Park offers electric vehicle charging. Petrol and diesel cars are prohibited and lights are switched off at 7 pm. Barnaby points to the sign and says, “We could drive into the village you know, we’re electric.” Winter says, “Think of your steps, Sir. Those kind of footprints are allowed.” Winter updates Barnaby on the crime scene. "The victim is Danny Tarleton, 28 year old dairy farmer who was out jogging. Body found by Lana Markham 2 hours ago.” At the pub, Barnaby sees a sign for the Annual Hot Chili Competition. The competition entices people to "See How Far You Can Get Up The Scorch Board." Barnaby says, “A chili competition- Nothing I like more than spicy food. You?” Winter says, “More of a sushi man myself.”
The blond girl arrive on the scooter and someone still shoots photos of her. She hops in a beat up old truck and drives off leaving a cloud of smoke.
The detectives arrive at the murder scene in a field. Pathologist Fleur Perkins says, “Before you ask, the weathervane is pointing very much through the heart. Sharp force injury, single thrust, anterior chest, body still warm, no rigor. I’d say time of death within the last 3 hours. Oh and uh, there’s something else.” Fleur holds up a slipper. Barnaby quips, "Not your typical jogging accessory." Winter says, " I've heard of people running with weights, but pair of slippers?"
The detectives go to speak with Lana Markham. Barnaby says, "What were you doing out here so early?" Lana says, "I'm a meteorologist and climate campaigner. I have equipment all over the valley." Lana says she and Danny weren't close. "Danny was a petrol head who hated the village's green conversion. One of the few that resisted it. Locked horns with Brian constantly." says Lana. Brian Havergal. He and his wife, Dixie, "fully embraced the green initiative. Help me to convince everyone... most people that Goodman's Land was precious." Winter asks, "When exactly did the village go green?" Lana says, "Three years ago. I believe the village can be used to illustrate how climate change can be reversed." Lana goes on to explain that Brian tends to be a bit domineering as he imposes fines and penalties if people break the rules. "Tensions are running high, especially with the impending sale of the village. We're being bought by a Texan, Rooster Harlin III," Lana says. Winter asks, "How do you mean, being bought?" Lana says, "The entire village and the land it's on. A lease dating back centuries has run out. Deposit's already paid." Barnaby says, "Fair to assume some people aren't happy about that, you included. Lana says "They're called the Dark Ages for a reason. New owner's an oilman. Couldn't be less green if he tried."
Lana tells the detectives that the weather vane looks like the one from Birch Barn. There's a student living there at the moment.
The detectives discuss the case. Barnaby says, "Why kill someone with a weather vane?" Winter says, "The victim clearly wasn't a fan of all things eco. Or maybe it's got something to do with the climate issue."
As the detectives are walking, Fleur waves as she rides by in a golf cart. In front of the pub, Aldo McLean walks by with a wheelbarrow and ignores Brian Havergal, who says "Morning." Ginny Kilcannon walks by swinging a hammer. " Once more unto the breach," she says.
Brian goes into the pub where his wife, Dixie Havergal, is chugging hot sauce with a milk chaser. Brian mentions that Aldo's grumpy as ever. Dixie says, "Well, it's not our fault his butcher's gone under. I mean, no one likes to see a business close down, but he's had three years to try and make it work, and he's had the chance to change like everyone else." Brian says, "I don't think my recent sanctions have helped his mood, though." Dixie snaps back, "He broke the rules again. You did what you had to do. You banned him from the pub quiz, and you rationed his toilet roll. He'll get over it." Brian says, "Oh, I don't know. I also threatened to block his deliveries. But he's not the only one. I mean, the Cottinghams are still using their hot tub and refusing to pay the fines. And the Deans left their lights on last night. They know the rules. The curfew is 7:00. Lights off for everyone, including us." Dixie chugs more hot sauce and then coughs. Brian says, "Oh, Dixie, darling, go easy. It's not life or death, you know." Dixie says, "It blooming well is. In this village, status is everything."
Harper Havergal walks in and sits down. She is wearing a hot pink coat with matching hot pink shoes and lipstick. Dixie speaks to her and Harper is too absorbed in her phone to hear her. She says what? Brian says, "Your mother was just saying how lovely you looked. They're all ethically approved salon and thingamabobs, I take it?" Harper says, "'Course." Dixie asks Harper if she can help with the chili competition. Harper holds up a hand and says, "And what do these nails say to you? Don't get triggered. You know I have to look my absolute best for my socials. I've got a campaign to run." Dixie moans, "Oh. God!!" Harper says, "Mum! Not this again. You might be happy jumping into bed with the American, but I'm not." The American is staying at the Pub Inn. Dixie says, "He has to stay somewhere. And if he's going to buy the village, we need to keep on his good side. See the whites of his eyes." Harper replies, "I am going to give a Rooster a roasting and a Havergal welcome to remember, which will be going live." Brian doesn't want Harper to go live and upset him, but Harper insists, "That's exactly what I want to do. I'm an influencer, so I'm going to use my platform to raise awareness of me. And of course what this village is actually achieving here. Just go back to your chili sauce or whatever it is you're doing."
Barnaby presses the button on his Fitbit and it tells him, "You have reached 2,556 steps. Good job." He knocks on Liam Tarleton's door where a uniformed police officer is posted. Liam tells Barnaby that Danny is a good boy. "Didn't have a bad bone in his body, that lad. Loved life, kept fit. Out early doors come rain or shine. Same route." Liam saw Danny that morning. He was a bit hungover, but otherwise fine. He is "Looking forward to the arrival of the new guy in town. Danny was confident that Rooster would return the village to how it was before all this... eco madness." Barnaby says, "You're not a fan of the village's green revolution, then?"
Liam says, "We're dairy farmers. Were. When everything was ranked green, it hit us bad. We lost everything. Not just us. Aldo McLean recently lost his butchers. Dairy cattle are often treated with antiseptics and fungicides. There are alternatives, but they're pricy. We did our best. It was never enough for the Havergals. They own the pub. Out like they run the village. All the deliveries go to the pub. So you name it, they order it in for us. Even tell us what to wipe our backsides with. Brian's a control freak. Thinks he owns the place, literally. This whole scheme, it's changed him. Not for the best." Barnaby says, "Tell me about the lease on the village." Liam says, "It dates back 850 years but will expire unless someone proves a claim on the land. But no one can. There's a local legend that the lease has been overruled, that one family does have a legitimate right of ownership in perpetuity. Based on what? Medieval documents that no one's ever seen, that maybe never existed. Some years back, the Havergals asked me to help prove it was them. But I could find no evidence."
Harper is out in the field in her pink outfit. Tobit Seaton meets her, "Reduce, reuse, recycle mean nothing?" referring to Harper's outfit. Harper says, "Appearance is everything." Harper asks to leave- she hates coming there. She wants Tobit to get a phone so she can call him. Tobit says, "Village's e-waste is down 40% from last year." Harper says, "Yeah, whatever. I think you'll find that phones are pretty useful when it comes to changing the world. And shoes. Shoes would be good." Tobit isn't wearing any shoes. Tobit says he likes to stay grounded. Tobit says, "Question is, do you want to change the world, or are you just pretending? Fake and single. Not a good vibe." Harper says, "Don't you judge me, barefoot boy. You think you know me, but you don't. Come on. We've got content to film."

Barnaby examines Danny’s room. Liam says, "Danny's passion." Barnaby picks up a paper "Tarleton's Race Track." Barnaby says, "Designs for a race track, in the greenest village in Midsomer?" Liam says, "His dream. He was hoping Rooster would fund it." Barnaby looks in the closet and finds a woman's high heeled shoe. Liam says Danny was not in a relationship and doesn’t know who the shoe belonged to.
Winter goes to Birch Barn. He interviews Ken Makoto. Ken has funding for his PhD from Tokeyo University on the fragility of ecosystems in and around Goodman's Land. Ken was out collecting soil samples early in the morning and didn't notice the weather vane.
Barnaby tells Winter about the proposed Race Track plans and some women's shoes were in Danny Tarleton's wardrobe. Barnaby says, "I've given them to forensic. Size 5, whereas the trainers he was jogging in were size 9 or 10 at least." Winter says, "Well spotted, sir." Barnaby says, "I'm a detective, Winter. Observation is everything. See if we can find out who those shoes belong to." Winter reports that the student in Birch Barn was intense. He will check out his university.
In a field, Aldo says, "Bog off, you bunch of woke fueled snowflakes." Harper says, "Nothing wrong with a bog, Aldo. Wholesome. Natural. Organic." Aldo says, "Unlike you and your fake extensions. You're a disgrace, you know that? Wielding your unwelcome influence. Destroying livelihoods. Get that thing out of my face!" Aldo grabs the phone and throws it on the ground. Harper goes to retrieve it. Barnaby and Winter intervene. Aldo is on the plateau to welcome Rooster. He only ever travels by helicopter. This is the only place he can land. Tobit says, "Not if we can stand in the way. Here's the truth about Harlin. (He pulls some flyers out of his bag that say "GO HOME ROOSTER STOP THE SALE! SAVE GOODMAN'S LAND") Lied about fossil fuels, lost court cases, lost his soul." Aldo lost his butcher shop when the village went organic. Aldo says, "Butchering has been my whole life. Do you know how much it costs to source and transport organic meat?" Harper sneers. Barnaby tells them he wants their names, details and whereabouts this morning when Danny Tarleton was killed.
Elsewhere, Ginny is hanging a sign in front of her taxidermy shop. Rooster Harlin rides up on his bicycle and offers his assistance, He says, "My name's Rooster. Red Rooster Harlin III. Pleasure's all mine." Ginny faints and Rooster catches her as she falls.
Winter and Barnaby walk up to the pub. Brian is out directing deliveries. Rooster walks up with Ginny in his trailer. Rooster says, "Howdy, y'all," in an exaggerated southern twang. Say, is one of you gentlemen Mr. Brian Havergal, pub landlord? Can you get this little old lady a drink? She seems to have taken quite a turn." Rooster gives Ginny a hand pulling her out of the trailer. Ginny says, "Less of the old, you oily brute." Rooster says, "Sounds like my ex-wives." Barnaby says, "Mr. Harlin, I believe. We heard you were arriving by helicopter." Rooster says, "Oh, too flash, too windy. Those days are gone." Barnaby introduces himself and Winter.
Rooster says, "My, oh, my. Glory be. Slap my thighs, and call me Betsy. Are you two a pair of genuine, bona fide Sherlock Holmes?" Barnaby says, "Not exactly, but we are investigating a murder." Rooster says, "Wonderful! Tell me, do you wear a Deerstalker?" They all go inside to talk. Barnaby says he thinks Tarleton's death had something to do with Rooster as he is apparently a divisive figure. Rooster says, "I'm a pussycat when you get to know me. And I can assure you I have no plans to change this village one iota."
Harper walks up and yells, "Liar!!" and films Rooster on her phone. Rooster says he is no liar and has no plans to change anything. Harper accuses him of being "the devil incarnate when it comes to pollution and climate change?" Barnaby says, "Or how about Mr. Tarleton's plans to build a motor racing circuit? That would count as quite a change, don't you think?" Rooster says he didn't know anything about a race track.
Harper says, "Why would we believe you, you fat cat American capitalist cretin?!" Rooster laughs and says, "I just love the way you guys speak! Is that William Shakespeare, or just a good, old fashioned Anglo-Saxon insult?" Finally Barnaby says, "ENOUGH!" "Yee-haw! Spoken like a true sheriff," says Rooster. Rooster eats a chili. He challenges Barnaby and Winter to try a chili. Winter eats one. Barnaby bites into one and starts gasping and choking.
Brian Havergal laughs. Harper tapes it on her phone. Barnaby drinks some milk.
The detectives leave and Barnaby tells Winter to find out everything about "our larger-than-life Texan friend with the asbestos mouth." Winter says, "He's playing us, sir." Barnaby keeps gasping and coughing. Winter asks if he is alright and Barnaby says "Of course I am. Clearly just got a rogue chili. Either that or you need to get your mouth insured. Winter points out that Barnaby has a milk mustache. Winter goes to look in one of the recycling bins which has shoes.
Dixie shows Rooster his room in the Inn. It also happens to be the room where her husband's ancestors used to sleep. The building's been in Brian's family for generations. It dates back to the 12th century. "His ancestor, Arthur Havergal, gave the village its name, Goodman's Land. He was the "good man" who looked after the villagers. The Havergals, well, they are the village." Rooster says he loves the history of the village, although it’s in the past. "The past is, after all, another country." Dixie says, "Not here it isn't." Rooster asks where Lana Markham lives. Dixie points out where and asks why? Rooster says, "I believe that's between me and Miss Markham, ma'am." Dixie replies, "There's no need to call me ma'am. Your Highness will do nicely." After Dixie leaves, Rooster pulls up a photo from his wallet.
Down in the pub, Brian brings in some boxes. Dixie opens up one and pulls out a bottle of Capsaicin. She photographs it and folds the box back up and tapes it up.
Rooster, now dressed in his cowboy hat, crosses the street and knocks on Lana’s door. He writes her a note.
Elsewhere, someone puts an envelope in a stack of wood. The envelope says “Hypocrisy Lives”. Brian walks up and finds the envelope and pulls out photographs and looks at them.
Fleur tells Barnaby there were no fingerprints on the weathervane but all the shoes were a size 5 and based on the bunions, they belonged to the same woman. Fleur says maybe he was a foot fetishest. Barnaby says, "Let's not jump to conclusions." Fleur says, "I never jump to anything, especially conclusions. His wallet had a membership card for a Foot Fetish Club, Achilles Heel. He was a fully paid up member." Fleur gives Barnaby a bottle of Green liquid that Sarah told her to bring him for brunch. Barnaby gives it to Winter.
Winter tells Barnaby Rooster was the worst kind of old school oilman and he doesn’t know how Rooster is paying for the village. He’s been fined repeatedly for failing to report emissions statements. It’s cost him millions of dollars. His biggest critic was a fellow Texan called Dougie Duke. He's fallen completely off the radar. Tech are sending through Danny’s photos and texts and his emails show he has communicated with Rooster. Discussions were well under way about the motor racing circuit. Also, there are compromising photographs of Harper and Danny. He was threatening to go public unless she paid him money.
Out in a field, Lana Markham is adjusting a weather computer and looking through binoculars at Ken Makoto. She confronts him and he says he is doing research into climate change. He has a suitcase with sample bottles. She yells at him to stay out of her way and walks off. He goes and photographs her machine.
Rooster goes over to Liam’s house and shows him a photo and asks if Liam knows who he is. Liam says he is Dougie Duke. Liam did some local history work with him. Rooster wants to know when Liam last saw Mr. Duke. Liam tells him that it isn't a good time. Rooster says, "I get it. Loss of a child goes against the natural order of life. Hopes. Dreams. Future. But if I can level with you... there's something about this village I'm about to buy that's a little off right now, and it seems to me we both need answers. I was wondering if you could help me with this. I can't make head nor tail of it. It's medieval documents, mainly." Liam looks through the medieval pages.
Ken bumps into Harper in the village. Harper says, "Harper Havergal, as in the Havergals. Yeah, I'm like an influencer, so I've heard loads about you. Village goss and all. It seems we have loads in common. I love Tokyo, and I love technology. And I love mango." Ken says, "Manga?" Harper invites him to the pub at 7. Ken says, "I'm not really a fan of social media. Digital distractions wreak havoc with fragile egos." Harper watches Lana Markham returning to her home with a wagon of equipment. Lana finds the note from Rooster under her door.
Aldo goes to the pub and asks Dixie if a package has arrived. She gives him the box she had opened. She tells him he hasn’t a chance of winning the chili competition. Aldo meets Rooster outside the pub and offers to do anything for him. Rooster says, "Well, actually, there is something you could do for me, in return for a fee, of course. I need to know how truly green the village really is, or if they're pretending. Could you possibly help me with that?" Aldo says, "My pleasure. This lot aren't as squeaky clean as they'd like to make out, if you know what I mean." Rooster says, ,"Well, this ain't my first rodeo, Al. But you gather the dirt, my friend, and maybe we can discuss it over a pint of wallop."
Rooster goes upstairs to his room. He talks on the phone and says, "It's all going to plan. This lot are all hat and no cattle." Rooster is then startled to find a dead rat on his bed.
Liam goes to a gravestone and does a rubbing of the emblem on the gravestone.
Harper does a social media post about how she is going to take down Rooster. Barnaby and Winter walk up and asks if she and Danny were in an intimate relationship. Harper says, "If by intimately you mean were we in a situationship, then yes. Less than a relationship, more than casual sex. Standard. Or pretty vanilla, actually." Winter says, "Which would explain the explicit photos of you on his phone." Harper says, "Oh, those? Yeah, loser tried to do a number on me. Threatened to "expose" me. Like I cared. Danny was a fantasist who used people, played them, or tried to. Trust me. Didn't even register. I didn't care about him." Harper says if Danny had gone public with the photos, it would have brought in more followers. She denies that they were her size 5 shoes. She wears a 6. She denies knowing anything about Danny's planned racetrack. Harper also says Lana Markham started the climate change issue.
The detectives watch Dixie take a dead rat out to the trash. The go in and talk to Rooster. Dixie says it could have been anyone. All the rooms are accessible from the pub. And Rooster is not popular. Barnaby says they've seen Danny's plans for the racetrack and his emails in which Rooster told Danny to be quiet about it all. Dixie says Danny was in the pub last night mouthing off about it and waving plans around. Dixie says that Danny told them he was going to dig up the field where Tobit lives. "Finishing line straight through his shack. Tobit lost it. Spitting nails, he was." Rooster gets a text to meet Liam at the church.
Barnaby goes to ask Ginny if she put a rat in Rooster's room. She says no, she's squeamish about rats. She's only been a taxidermist since the village went eco. She used to run the local garage, but that had to go. The animals in the front of her shop were roadkill. Barnaby notices Ginny’s high heeled purple shoes and asks if she knew Danny. She says no.
At Aldo’s house, he inserts a needle in the bottle of Capsaicin and extracts some liquid. He inserts the liquid into a pepper.
Plot, Part 2[]
MURDER 2: Liam goes through multiple papers at his house. He looks through some ancient text. He has a revelation and makes a phone call. He says “We need to talk about Dougie Duke. Tomb in the churchyard. What he found out. I'll see you in 10." A figure dressed in black stabs him with an AeroCone and then with a stake.
Fleur explains to the detectives. A meteorological tool for measuring rain.
Brian confronts Harper after finding the photos of her in the “Gas Guzzler.” Brian says, "Where did you say you went this morning? The gas guzzler?! And you didn't go to the eco salon. Don't even think about lying. I've already called them. How are we supposed to uphold standards if our own daughter keeps flouting the rules? We're the Havergals! We have to set an example. I fine people for breaking the rules." Harper retorts, "And what does that say about you, huh? What example? Spying on people? Spying on your own daughter? Now, that... That is a new low." Brian sighs and tries to explain, "We're the Have.." Harper interupts, "The Havergals. Yes. Yes, I know. I've known nothing else. I've grown up with that. Family first, protect the name, honor, obey. Like I really care. I'll have you know, my socials are off the scale. I can go anywhere I want. Paris. Dubai. Should have gone ages ago." Brian says, "Me and your mum don't know why you haven't. We're not stopping you. We've always said you could be what you wanted to be." Harper says, "Whatever. I'm out of here now."
In the field, Barnaby’s watch tells him he has “reached his target. Keep up the good work.” Barnaby arrives at Tobit Seaton’s shack. He tells Barnaby that Harper "hates it here. Says it's too green and natural. She's too obsessed with her phone to appreciate nature, or anyone, anyway." Barnaby notes that they are very different- Lana and Harper. Tobit says, "Polar opposites. They used to be friends, though, till things changed. Lana changed. Lana was our inspiration. Passionate, a real force of nature. And pretty damn cool to hang with. Wanted to make a difference, you know. And then her heart got broken. Guy called Dougie-American, good bloke. He used to live here before me. Did a runner- Lana never got over it." Barnaby asks Tobit about Danny's plans to build the race track. Tobit says, "it's not going to happen." Barnaby says, “Especially now that Danny and his father are now dead.” Tobit says, "Call it Karma. I believe that the earth is sacred. I believe that life is sacred. I'm an activist, not a murderer."
Rooster is confronting Lana. She says he has no right asking about Dougie Duke. Winter and Barnaby come up to see what is going on. Rooster says Dougie is his brother. He came here to look into their family history four years ago. Lana says she was involved with Dougie for a year. Then he upped and left just before they launched the green initiative. Dougie lived life off the grid. She wanted more, gave him an ultimatum. Rooster was hoping that he and Dougie could work things out and were hoping to check out their English heritage. Lana says Dougie was on his way to Greece when he came there. Lana assumes that’s where he went. Rooster says he is hoping Dougie might come back if he lived there.
Winter goes to check Liam’s farmhouse. He hears a noise and hides behind the door. Barnaby walks in. “This is no time to play hide and seek, Winter.” Winter reports that Liam Tarleton was looking into the Harlin family history. Also, there is no sign that Dougie left the UK.
Barnaby arrives home and tells Sarah he has done a whopping 11,000 steps but his app says 46 steps. Barnaby says he has been traipsing up hill and down dale all over Goodman's Land. There's two dead bodies and a lot of ground to cover. Barnaby falls asleep on the couch. Sarah goes and sits down and cuddles with him.
The next morning, Rooster crows outside his window, startling Brian. He says that is his routine. Every morning the rooster crows.
Barnaby tells Winter he had to download a new app. Its first message is "Hi Speedy." Sarah brings out two bottles of green juice and gives them to Winter. She says it’s Juice Fasting day so no solids so Barnaby might be grumpy. Winter says, "He's always grumpy." Winter reports that Ken lied about his PhD which is about the economic expansion of the cobalt industry in Uzbekistan. Also, Lana has been in a public battle with the Dept of Climate Change accusing them of ignoring her research and that she gets a better hearing abroad. There is an environmental group in Austin, Texas paying more attention to her research. And Danny’s bank records show regular deposits from Ginny Kilcannon.
"First things first," says Barnaby, "Greasy spoon on Causton Lane. I needs a Bacon Butty. (Bacon butty is a British sandwich consisting of crispy bacon, butter, and either HP Sauce (a British “brown sauce” akin to steak sauce) or ketchup, all stuffed between two slices of soft white sandwich bread.)
Aldo is asleep on his desk when someone comes in his house and messes with his bottle of Capsaicin.
Someone takes photos of Ginny. Winter spies them. It is Tobit. Ginny hides from Tobit. Winter follows her.
Barnaby goes to Ken’s house. Ken offers him some coffee. Barnaby asks Ken how his PhD is going; He then asks about his real PhD. Ken says it’s hard to explain. Climate change research is a delicate subject and so he is using a cover title for his PhD. Barnaby asks what happened to the window as someone tried to break in. Barnaby notices the high tech security system on the doors. He also notices an extra cup and wonders who was visiting.
Ginny surreptiously goes in a shed and Winter follows.
Ken goes to talk to Harper. He asks what happened last night. She stood him up. She says she needs someone with his finger on the pulse and walks off.
Winter hears Ginny speaking “It’s do or die time. Do you want to stop? Have you heard enough? I'm not going to stop until you tell me.” Winter peeks in. Ginny is making videos of her feet in high heels. She sells shoes online to people who have a foot fetish. Danny was the reason she got into it. She was broke and had a fabulous wardrobe full of shoes. There were regular amounts of money in Danny’s account. He was unhappy that she had branched out. Ginny had to pay Danny some money so other people in the village wouldn't find out. She admits lobbing a rat into Rooster’s bedroom.
Winter is still working on the Harlin family papers. Barnaby goes to speak to Tobit. Barnaby asks why Tobit is spying on people. He asks if he tried to break into Birch Barn. Tobit says he is spying to see who is breaking the rules for Brian. Brian imposes sanctions or fines people who break the rules. The money goes toward the eco stuff they need. Tobit tried to break into Ken’s place because he is an outsider. Barnaby requests the camera.
Barnaby asks Winter to look at the photos on the camera. Winter says, "the claim on the land revolves around a family tomb in the grounds of the church. These documents that seem to have come from Rooster Harlin, well, they trump the original lease to state that the village is owned in perpetuity by the family named on the tomb. Which is illegible. What's left looks like M-A, but it's hard to tell,and the rest of the lettering is obscured, perhaps deliberately. The inscription also says "gratia et dignitas."- Grace and dignity,"
Winter spoke to the owner of Birch Barn about the security there and they apologized that there wasn't any. So whatever there is, Ken Makoto brought with him. Winter wonders how a student can afford high-tech security? He has requested Ken's student ID. Also, Rooster’s environmental credentials are not as bad as everyone seems to think. Barnaby gets a message from Fleur that Ken’s coffee is a special blend made in Austin, Texas.
In the field, Lana and Tobit are talking and Harper walks up. Lana tells her that it turns out that Rooster is Dougie Duke's brother. Harper says, "Didn’t Dougie leg it." Harper is mad at Tobit for spying on her. Tobit says he is way better than Harper because he is committed to the cause and he is authentic. Harper isn’t.
At the Goodman’s Land Chili Competion, people walk around tasting chilis. Rooster is sampling chilis to warm up for the event. Aldo shows up with his chilis and Dixie says his chilis are not allowed. Dixie says that Capsaicin was in the package that Aldo had delivered, which is not allowed. Dixie says they are banned and so is Aldo.
Ken walks up to Lana and says he is trying to build bridges. She tells him off.
MURDER 3: At the Chili completion, Dixie, Rooster and Winter are at the table to taste the chilis. Rooster starts to toss a chili in his mouth and Aldo grabs it, bites into it, gasps and collapses to the ground and dies. Fleur says, "I need to confirm, but cause of death seems clear...Heart attack brought on by the intense heat of what he ate." Barnaby says "Death by chili." Winter asks, "Can chilies do that?" Fleur says, "Not your regular chili, no. But chilies dripping in 8-Methyl-N-Vanillyl-6-nonenamide significantly raise the risk of heart attack, particularly in men and women of a certain age or those with underlying health issues. Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chilies their heat, which even from a cursory examination, I'd say this chili was doused in." Winter says, "So he was deliberately poisoned." Winter says, "Question is, was he the real target? Were all the chilies laced, or just the one Mr. McLean ate? Well, there's only one way to find out. Let Fleur examine them in the lab." Winter says Dixie knew about the hot stuff cause she banned Aldo’s chilis. Winter gets a text and says the last call Liam made was to the pub. Barnaby and Winter go in to talk to Dixie and Brian and ask if they tampered with the chilis. Barnaby asks about Brian spying on the village. The last call that Liam made was to the pub. Barnaby wonders if Dixie or Brian took the call. Who else would answer the phone? Brian says they get busy and sometimes don’t answer the phone.
At the police station, the detectives view the photos from the camera, which show Dougie Harlin, Lana and Harper. Barnaby wonders if the murders aren't about climate change or ownership of the village. Maybe it's about love. Winter shows Barnaby a photo of Ken and it’s not the same Ken in the village. Barnaby asks to see the list of members of the environmental group in Austin. Barnaby tells Winter to focus on Liam’s research. If Dougie came to Goodman’s Land to research his history, maybe he discovered something. Winter says he disappeared. Barnaby says maybe he was made to disappear. What if Danny was killed because of the land he was planning to dig up. Such a beautiful spot, an Eden. Barnaby says, "There's a lot of people pretending to be what they are not."
In the pub, Brian hears a noise and leaves.
At Ken’s house, Barnaby walks in without knocking. He sees two cups of Texas coffee. Rooster was hiding and comes out. Barnaby says, "I checked out the environmental group in Austin, Texas, the board members and the sole funder above them, Niko Akabane, a reclusive Japanese billionaire, one of the youngest ever. Made his money from tech and now wants to focus on reversing climate change. Nice to meet you, Mr. Akabane. You are the person who's actually buying the village, aren't you?" Ken says Yeah. Ken is not a people person. "This village is the heart of everything I believe in, a perfect test case study for how climate change can be reversed. Lana's research was ignored here, but Rooster's brother sent it to me." Without her knowledge. Rooster says, "Niko tried to find Dougie. Couldn't. He came across me instead." Niko continues, "I needed to know if Lana's research here was on the money. It is. I needed to check it out myself." And he needed a smokescreen, a front man. Rooster says, "Who better than me? A bankrupt former oil man wanting to find his brother and... and pay something back. I was more than happy to flush out who's really into a green future and who's just pretending. Aldo McLean, God rest his soul, gave us the lowdown." Barnaby says, "We think that chili he swallowed was intended for you." Rooster says, "That possibility had crossed my mind. You're the detective, Sherlock. Who you think was behind this?"
Brian is running through the graveyard....
Barnaby says, "Before I answer that, can I ask a question about your brother? If he was involved with Lana, do you believe that he would just take off and leave without a word?" Rooster says, "No, I do not. Look, Dougie was a ladies' man and a free-spirited traveler, but he was also a gentleman. But we were brought up properly. It's our family motto. Gratia et dignitas, grace and dignity. Vir bonus facit. "Makes a good man."
Winter is in his car looking at his iPad and deciphering the latin in Gratia et dignitas. Winter gets out of his car and calls Barnaby and says he thinks he has cracked it. He tells Barnaby to meet him at the church. Then he gets bashed on his head.
Brian is dragging Winter when Barnaby comes across them. Brian says, "It will be ok. It will be alright. We can talk it through." Winter starts to revive. Barnaby asks if Winter is OK. Winter says, yeah. Barnaby asks who Brian was talking to. Brian says he just found Winter and was taking him inside to take a look at him. Winter says, "Lying and assaulting a police officer. I should arrest you right now, Mr. Havergal." Brian goes up to tell Barnaby, "I'm sorry. I can explain. W-Why don't we go to the pub? We could all do with a drink."
Plot Denouement[]
Barnaby asks Winter why they are at the church. Winter says, "The M-A on the family crest, I think it's H-A." Brian says, "Of course it is. Havergal. I've said it all along." Barnaby says, "Or Harlin." Winter continues, "And the... the lettering that's worn, it looks like there's an L." Lana comes up upon the group and watches. Barnaby says, "And I think the Goodman of Goodman's Land was a Harlin all along." Winter says, "That's what Liam Tarleton pieced together." Barnaby says, "As did Dougie Duke four years ago."
They all go into the church. Harper Havergal is seated on the floor in front of the altar. Brian says, "She had nothing to do with this." Winter says, "This all started when Danny Tarleton drunkenly bragged about plans to build a motor racing circuit, didn't it?" Barnaby says, "You lied when you said you didn't know about his plans. You couldn't have him digging up that field, could you? So you stole the weather vane and lay in wait." (Flashback: Danny is asking, "Is everything alright? Hello? Is everything okay?" Harper turns around and stabs Danny.)
Harper says, "I don't know what you're talking about." She looks up and sees Lana. "And what's she doing here?" Brian says, "I admit it. I did it. I killed them. I killed them all." Barnaby says, "You said that you didn't answer the phone to Liam Tarleton." Brian says, "I lied. I did." Barnaby says, "No, you didn't. It was you who answered the phone to Liam, wasn't it?" speaking to Harper. Winter says, "Liam Tarleton discovered that the village actually belongs to the Harlins." Barnaby says, "So he rang the pub to tell you, because he knew that you'd worked on the original research with Dougie." Winter says, "But you couldn't have Liam telling everyone. So you intercepted and killed him with equipment grabbed in passing before making it back to the pub before anyone missed you." Brian stares at Harper, his face full of sorrow.
Barnaby says, "Only word spread that Rooster Harlin was none other than Dougie's brother. New problem. If Rooster started digging, what to do?" Winter says, "Presumably you saw the contents of the package that was delivered to Aldo." Barnaby says, "And decided to try to poison Rooster." Winter says, "But Aldo McLean was killed by mistake. Barnaby says, "So what's in that field, Miss Havergal? A body? Someone you knew well? Someone who's been missing, perhaps?" Lana asks, "Whose body? Tell me. Did you know that your daughter was in love with Dougie Duke Harlin?" (Flashback: Harper, with short brown hair, yells, "You're mine!" She throws a rock at Dougie, who had turned away. "Dougie? Dougie?"). Lana says, "You and Dougie?" Brian says, "You were too young for him. It never would have worked." Barnaby says, "So you did know." Brian says, "I recognize heartbreak when I see it. I just thought he... he'd left." Barnaby says, "This isn't just about ownership of the village. This is about love, isn't it? Not just any love, but first love. And if Danny Tarleton dug up the land around Tobit Seaton's shack, he would have found..." Harper grabs a candlestick and threatens Barnaby. "Don't! Stop." Lana asks, "What did you do to Dougie?" Harper starts to laugh. "What did I do to him? I loved him, that's what I did. No, we... we teased each other about who really owned the village, the... the Harlins or the Havergals. But if we were together, it wouldn't have mattered. I loved him so much. But he wouldn't see it." Barnaby says, "You wanted him and the village?" Harper says, "Yes, I-I wanted to be someone. Somebody. You know, all my life, I'd been told I can be whatever I wanted to be, have whatever I wanted. And that was it." Barnaby says, "But he rejected you. Yes. For her. No, he came to me, and he said he knew for sure about the claims, that it wasn't ours and that it was his. And that he loved...Lana. (sobbing) No, I pleaded with him. (Drops the candlestick and sits and hugs herself). But he said that we were just a bit of fun. And that we were over." She sinks to the floor sobbing. Barnaby says, "And in that moment, your whole world crumbled. You'd lost the village and Dougie." Brian says, "That's when you changed. You became... this." (The blonde Harper). Harper says, "I had nothing left."
Lana comes up and says, "I need to know where Dougie is." Harper says, "He's buried behind the shack. (Lana's face crumples) Where the fire pit was. (Brian covers his face with his hands) His favorite place." Brian sobs. Barnaby says, "It's over." Winter helps Harper up. Brian tearfully watches her go.
As they stroll up to the pub, Winter says, "Forensics have started digging in the field behind Tobit Seaton's shack." Barnaby's app tinkles. He looks at his Fitbit. Winter says, "Over 10,000?" Barnaby says, "And some. I even got congratulations." Winter says, "From Sarah?" Barnaby says, "No, the app."
To Lana, Barnaby says, "I'm very sorry about Dougie." Lana says to Rooster, "Me, too. And I'm sorry I doubted him." Rooster says, "All that matters now is that you continue with your work in his memory. Dougie would want that." Niko says, "I hope we can ensure your research gets the attention it deserves. We'll roll it out to the world." Lana says, "I don't know what to say." Barnaby says, "One small concern, if I might interject. Mr. Akabane here has bought a village that actually belongs to you. How are you going to resolve that?" Rooster says, "Oh, I don't know. We'll think of something. Either way, it's going to be greener than ever."

Rooster goes on, "We never did finish our competition. Great Britain versus America. You know you want to." Barnaby says, "No pressure, Winter. It's only national pride you're playing for." Rooster and Winter sit down, sniff chilis, and then munch on them. Lana and Akabane watch. Rooster gasps and says, "God's earth!" and runs in to get some water. Barnaby says, "Well. Yee-haw. Let's get you a pint on the way home. I might even buy this one."
- Neil Dudgeon as DCI John Barnaby
- Nick Hendrix as DS Jamie Winter
- Fiona Dolman as Sarah Barnaby
- Isabel Shaw as Betty Barnaby
- Annette Badland as Fleur Perkins
- Melissa Johns as Lana Markham
- Tim Cullingworth-Hudson as Danny Tarleton
- Nigel Betts as Liam Tarleton
- Eve Austin as Harper Havergal
- Nathaniel Parker as Brian Havergal
- Julie Graham as Dixie Havergal
- Tony Jayawardena as Aldo McLean
- Robert Akodoto as Tobit Seaton
- Takayuki Suzuki as Ken Makoto
- Helen Lederer as Ginny Kilcannon
- Corey Johnson as Rooster Harlin
Body Count[]
Prior to the Episode
In the Episode
Stabbed in the chest with a weathervane.
Stabbed with an AeroCone Rain Collector
Ate a chili poisoned with Capsaicin. (Not the intended victim)
Supporting Cast[]
Episode Images[]
Harper Havergal for the murders of:
- Dougie Harlin
- Danny Tarleton
- Liam Tarleton
- Aldo McLean
Dixie Havergal should be arrested for opening up Aldo's package. (Receive a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.)
The following actors and actresses who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes:
- Nigel Betts- Destroying Angel, Death and Dust
- Julie Graham- The Sicilian Defense
The Trials and Tribulations of Jamie Winter:
- Winter's wardrobe is quite snappy. A three piece suit with light blue shirt and tie.
- Winter is in a chili eating contest with Barnaby. Winter wins.
- Hit over the head in the graveyard and dragged.
- Wins the chili eating contest with Rooster Harlin.
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