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Dark Autumn is the fifth episode of the fourth series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders and originally aired on 16th September 2001.


When Dave Cutler, the local postman, is found with his throat slit, Barnaby and Troy are on the case. Cutler it seems had slept with most of the woman in the village so between spurned lovers and irate husbands, there are any number of suspects. They are assisted by the local police in the form of the very attractive WPC Jay Nash, to whom Troy takes a instant liking. When a second and then a third murder takes place, the police realize they have a far more complex motive that simple jealousy.

Plot, Part 1[]

In the early morning, Holly Reid is delivering papers. A car drives up and the postman, Dave Cutler, gets out to deliver mail. At the Yeatman's home, Dave puts his hand inside Mary Yeatman's robe. Mary says, "No Dave, don't be stupid." Jazz Music can be heard playing somewhere. Dave says morning to Holly.

MURDER 1: Someone lurks with a curved knife (a billhook). Dave continues on his rounds. The murderer comes across Dave and swipes the curved knife at him. The knife drips blood. Holly finds letters strewn across the ground and a bloody postman on the ground. She screams. The sun rises on an idyllic countryside as Owen August is hiking. He hears a police siren and sees a police car drive past. Debbie Shortlands picks up her mail and hears the police siren.

WPC Jay Nash tells Mr. Yeatman the road is closed. DS Troy greets DCI Barnaby. Troy says the dead man's name is David Cutler, a local postman who lived in the village. Time of death was just before dawn this morning. Cause of death, an incised wound to the throat. He was almost decapitated.

Debbie Shortlands says goodbye to her husband. Keith Shortlands. Keith says, "I'll try and make it back tonight, love. But I can't promise. It depends upon the second client." Debbie says, "See you when I see you, then." Keith says, "Yes. Be good. I'll ring you from the hotel."

Troy continues, "We're still looking for a murder weapon." His mother was next of kin. She lives in a nursing home. The local community officer is WPC Jay Nash. Troy wonder why he was killed? "A village postie? The best you'd get are a couple of giros. Then you'd have to cash 'em." Troy introduces Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby to Jay. Troy says, "I meant to ask, what do you do for entertainment round here?" Jay replies, "There's two pubs and the fish and chips van calls by once a week. What more could you want?"

Simon Reason walks up to Barbara Judd at the Plough, "You seen the postman this morning, Barbara?" Barbara says, "Not yet, no." Simon says, "No, neither have I. And I'm expecting a cheque. He's probably still in someone else's bloody bed."

Owen August is continuing his hike and sees Ade Jessell fixing a fence. He says, "Ade?" Ade's dog barks. Ade says, "It's all right, Meg." August says, "Have you seen what's happening down in the village? Well, there's police everywhere." Ade says, "Best get down there and sort it then, Mr August? You're good at that. (Dog barks) It's alright Meg."

Mike Yeatman says to his wife, "I had to go round the village, didn't I? The road's closed." Mary Yeatman says, "I heard a siren earlier," as she prepares food. Mike says, "The whole village is full of police. You know why? Our friend the postman. He's dead." Mary says, "What do you mean, he's dead?" Mike says, "Someone killed him, didn't they?" He dumps ketchup on his food and Mary goes into a bedroom and starts sobbing.

Debbie goes by the furniture shop to get work from Simon Reason. Simon asks her what is wrong. Debbie tells him "It's...it's Dave Cutler." "What about him?" Debbie says, "He's been murdered." Simon says, "What are you talking about?" Debbie gets emotional.

Owen August rails at his wife, "When did this happen?" Louise August says, "First thing this morning. The whole village knows about it." Owen says, "For God's sake, Louise. This is terrible. It's absolutely terrible. Why wasn't I told?" Louise says, "Because you weren't around." Owen says, "But I have a right to be told." Louise asks, "Why? Maybe the police aren't that impressed with your OBE." Owen says, "Oh damn the OBE! I'm talking about my social standing in the community. I should have been the first to be told." Louise says, "Then you shouldn't go traipsing around the hills every morning like a lunatic, should you? What are we supposed to do? Yodel?.... Poor David." Owen says, "He was always known as Dave, remember? I'd say David was only ever used on special occasions. Wouldn't you?"

At the Plough, Barbara says, "I don't like to speak ill of the dead. But Dave Cutler wasn't what you'd call an honourable man. Far from it." Barnaby asks, "How d'you mean?" Barbara replies, "Well he liked the women a bit too much." John Field adds, "Other people's women, mostly. Marriage didn't mean a lot to him."

Owen August comes walking up to Ben Barrow's place. Owen says, "I expect you'll have heard the sad news by now, Ben." Ben says, "About what?" Owen says, "The murder, of course." Ben says, "Oh, that. Right bloody nuisance is that. How do we play our Aunt Sally without a full team?" Owen says, "For goodness sake, Ben. Is that all you can think about at a time like this?" Ben says, "Yes. Dave Cutler was our star player." Ade Jessel says, "I'd say he were a star player in more ways than one." Ben says, "And at least he stayed loyal to this pub. Which is more than I can say for some" He looks over at Mike Yeatman. Owen says, "Still, it's a terrible business." Ade says, "Oh, I don't know. Your dear little wives'll be safe now, won't they?" Owen replies, "My marriage has always been safe."

Barnaby and Jay Nash interview Holly Reid. She says, "I'd finished Geese Lane. And I was just going to the little house that lays back off the lane. I saw Dave. He passed me. He called out... I said, hello." Barnaby asks, "And that was the last time you saw Dave Cutler alive, was it?" Barnaby says, "Look Holly, I know this is upsetting for you. But we have to know. Did you see anyone else in the area of Geese Lane at that time?" Holly says, "No. I think I saw someone later. I think I heard music. Like from someone's radio. I couldn't hear it all that well."

After the interview, Barnaby asks Jay, "How well did you know Dave Cutler?" Jay says, "As well as I know most of the people in Goodman's Land. I've been here almost two years." Barnaby says, "Did he have any enemies?" Jay says, "Take your pick. There were plenty." Mostly aggrieved husbands- There was a fight once. Barnaby asks for names and an incident room. Jay tells him an incident room is not going to work as people won't come near it. She will look into finding a suitable building.

In Owen August's office, he is listening to a tape of a women having sex. . "Oh, oh... David! Oh... David! Oh..." Louise knocks on the door. Owen quickly turns off the tape player. Louise tells him they will have tea in the conservatory. Owen puts away the tape player.

Barnaby goes to the Yeatman house. Mary is hiding in the dark. Troy walks up and says no one seems to have heard a radio.

Debbie is working on her computer when she gets a phone call. She thinks it is her husband. She can hear music in the background but no one answers. Then they hang up. She locks her door and shuts the curtains.

Jay takes Barnaby and Troy to a building that used to be an old dance hall. It has a disco ball in the large room. People used to come every Friday and Saturday night. Jay says it was a good place for people to meet in those days- A place for romance. Barnaby says he wants the place up and running by tomorrow morning.

Debbie heads out in the dark.

At home, Barnaby goes through old dance hall records. Joyce asks why he is suddenly interested in dance halls. "Have you decided to go romantic in your old age?"

Plot, Part 2[]

MURDER 2: Debbie continues walking in the dark. She is nervous. She hears the music playing. She trips and drops all of her papers. Then her head is jerked back and throat cut.

In the morning, Barnaby and Troy set up in the dance hall. Simon Reason calls Debbie about his paperwork. There is no answer. Barnaby and Troy go to interview the Yeatman's. Simon goes to Debbie's house. She doesn't answer. He looks through the window and calls through the mail slot.

Mike Yeatman tells the detectives that he warned Dave to stay away from his wife, but he wouldn't listen. So Mike gave him a "good hiding" at the Plough. Dave didn't bother his wife again after that. Barnaby asks if Mike killed Dave, but he says no. Mike says, "No. I didn't need to. I forgave Mary for what she did. And she's behaved herself since. But he must have been at it elsewhere. That's why someone killed him." Mary Yeatman denies that she saw Dave when he delivered the morning mail.

Abe Jessel is out walking his dog. Simon complains at the Plough that he couldn't get ahold of Debbie over the phone so he went round to her house. He says the bloody curtains were drawn and she wouldn't answer the door. Simon says he needs that paperwork. The tax man's all set to pay him a visit and he has already received one warning. John Field asks if he can put Simon's name down for the Aunt Sally match and Simon says yes.

Abe finds the bloody papers on the green blowing around. He brings the papers to Barnaby. Abe says he hasn't been in the dance hall for over 30 years. It used to be called the 'Rex'. Abe lived over in Badger's Drift in those days and rode a bike to get there. He used to come there every Saturday night. There were some good looking girls there in those days.

Troy carries in traffic cones to Jay's house. He asks Jay if she has any idea who Dave Cutler was carrying on with before he died? She says, "It's only gossip." Troy says, "That'll do."

Keith Shortland's arrives home but there is no sign of Debbie.

At the pub, John Field explains the fight Mike had with Dave. He says, "It wasn't exactly a fight. It wasn't even a row. You can't row with Mike Yeatman. He doesn't say a lot. It was a demolition job. Dave was in here. Mike Yeatman came in. Hit him hard. Dave went down. He tried to get up. Mike hit him again. That was it. All over."

Keith Shortland goes to the police and reports his wife is missing. The police take the dogs out and find Debbie's body. She has the same M.O. as the other victim. An incised wound to the throat, almost severing the head. A kitchen knife is found at the scene.

Owen comes home after his walk. Louise says she doesn't understand why he needs a map to go walking as he has lived there for years. Owen says, "Dotted lines. This is proof of my...right of way. I thought I might take another walk later. Perhaps during the evening. If that fits in with your plans."

Barnaby thinks the knife was deliberately placed there to misdirect the police. "It would have taken something quite sharp and fairly heavy to deliver the kind of blows that killed both victims."

The detectives speak to Debbie's husband Keith. He is very upset. He wants to know why was she killed. Debbie never bothered anyone in her life. Keith wonders if Dave killed Debbie because of his reputation. Keith says, "Debbie may have flirted with him a bit. But he encouraged that. He was that sort. Are you going to talk to him?" Barnaby says, "I'm afraid we can't, sir. David Cutler was murdered yesterday morning. Not long after he'd left your house."

Troy shows Barnaby the Aunt Sally game. "You put the doll on the iron. Then you throw the stick. Underarm. Each player gets six throws." Troy says, "By the way, I've found out who Dave Cutler's last conquest was- Debbie Shortlands." Barnaby says he doesn't believe that. That was just a mild flirtation.

Barnaby and Troy go into the pub and Ben asks if they have finished the investigations yet. Abe tells them to pack up and go home because justice has been done. "That randy bastard got what he deserved." Barnaby asks Abe if Debbie deserved to be killed?

Ben says Dave Cutler was the best Aunt Sally player they had. He would've made captain one day. The current captain is Mr Owen August, OBE. He used to be a publisher- a famous one. They are all set to play a match in a couple of days time. Only they don't have a full team now. Troy says that's no problem- we'll make up the numbers.

Barnaby and Troy go over to the furniture shop. Barnaby shows Simon Reason his paperwork that was found on the green. Simon says yes, they are his papers. He asks if Debbie lost it and is that why she is avoiding him? Barnaby asks Simon where he was yesterday evening. Simon says, " In a state of bloody panic, that's where." And yesterday morning he was asleep. He is living at the shop temporarily because he has separated from his wife. Simon says he left her because he wanted to regain his independence. Simon says, "So where is Debbie? Is she at home? I want a word with that young woman." Barnaby says, "I'm sorry you can't. Debbie is dead. Debbie was murdered yesterday evening."

At the August home, Louise asks Simon if he thinks they should be having sex since there has been another murder. Simon says it will take their minds off the murders. Owen August arrives home and quietly enters the house.

At Dave Cutler's home, Barnaby and Troy look around. They find letters and look through his music. Barnaby finds a handkerchief with David embroidered on it.

Later, Barnaby and Troy attend Dave's funeral along with Jay. (Sad music plays in the background) Mary Yeatman stands apart from the others at the funeral and dabs at her nose. Louise August starts crying. After the funeral, Barnaby speaks to Janet Reason.

At the August home, Owen provides Louise with some bread and butter. Louise says, "I'm bored, Owen. I'm bored bloody silly." Owen asks, "With Goodman's Land?" Louise says, "With everything." Owen says, "Being bored, it won't, um... ..well... ..it won't alter the way we do things, will it?" Louise replies, "I shouldn't think so."

Barnaby arrives at Janet Reason's shop. She tells him that her shop does well because she got it right, unlike Simon. She says she threw Simon out because he was a liability. He also made a fuss about a certain indiscretion of hers. Barnaby asks if she means her affair with David Cutler? Janet says, "It was hardly an affair. I'd seen him strutting his stuff and I'd heard about his reputation. So I decided to give it a go. I wasn't disappointed. Simon and I had led a sexless life for years. You see, failure is his strong point. That business of his is never going to work. To sell the kind of stuff he's selling one needs to be in a city. Not a village." Barnaby asks, "Do you think he's capable of murder?" Janet says, "Yes. But only if he thinks the world is against him. And I'd say right now the world is."

Simon Reason sits alone in his shop eating take-out.

At the Plough, Troy, Barnaby and Jay are having drinks. Jay says John has a girlfriend but no one is allowed to see her. Troy wins a leg of lamb.

At the Plough, John is "on the phone" with his girlfriend, which Barbara overhears. Barbara asks why she never comes to see him. She doesn't want him to get hurt.

Barnaby interviews Mary Yeatman and asks if she thinks her husband would kill anyone? Mary says no. Barnaby asks if Mary sent the wreath for John's funeral. Mary starts to cry. "I wanted to grieve for him. Show how much I... loved him. I used to wait for him. Every morning after Mike had gone to work." She waited for him on the morning that he died. He was his usual self-playing the fool. She heard music- old-fashioned dance band music.

Troy and Jay get something to eat and go to Jay's house. Jay notices a book that Jay has. Troy asks Jay if she had any long-term relationships back home. Jay says she had a couple. She has no time for a relationship at the moment.

At the Aunt Sally Tournament, there is cheering and applause. Barnaby is there with Joyce and Troy with Jay. Barnaby goes to talk to Mr. Yeatman. He says as manager of the dairy, his time's his own- he can always slip away. Yeatman gets up and leaves. Louise is getting drunk. Troy has a turn at the Aunt Sally game and doesn't hit anything. Then it is Barnaby's turn. He hits all of his targets. Owen gets up to set up the doll and someone throws a stick at him. Owen asks Abe if he threw it and Abe says, "No. 'Cause I'm not like you, am I? I don't go round killing people. Because you killed Dave Cutler, didn't you? Why else would you nick one of my billhooks?"

Plot, Part 3[]

MURDER 3: At 1:30 am, on a park bench, Louise tells Simon she is going to end their relationship. Simon gets a phone call from someone claiming to be the police. He goes to his shop and looks around but doesn't see anyone. The dance music starts to play. Simon looks up and sees a desk falling. On him. And doesn't move out of the way.

Abe Jessel shows Barnaby and Troy his billhooks. He used to have 3 and now only has two. He thinks August took one. When interviewed, Owen August says that Ade Jessel is a fool. "Why on earth would I want to steal tools from him?" Owen is a hill walker and goes six or seven a day. Owen says he had no reason to kill Dave Cutler. Troy interrupts and says there has been another death.

At Simon Reason's shop, Dr. Bullard tells the detectives it was no accident that killed Simon. The desks may have been stacked like kid's building blocks, but the one that fell is heavy, solid oak. It wouldn't have toppled on its own. And the door was forced? Also, the killer left a scarf and lipstick. There is a record on the record player. The record player was switched on when the officers arrived. Barnaby says, "These records. Last time I saw this machine they were all 78s. So where did that 45 come from?"

Louise August tells Barnaby that she and Simon Reason had been having a bit of a fling. She also had a brief relationship with David Cutler. She found him romantic. Simon was more or less a rebound thing. Louise says she was with Simon late last night. On the green and he received a call on his mobile. He said it was the police, they wanted to talk to him. When? There and then. At his showroom at 1:30 in the morning. Louise says that she and Owen don't sleep together. He knows about her relationships.

On the way to interview Owen, Barnaby says, "Why does everyone in this village seem to be at it?" Owen tells the detectives that he was at home and in bed when his wife returned last night. Owen admits that he likes to listen while his wife is having sex. She knows he likes to listen. Owen plays a tape of his wife having sex. Troy tries not to giggle in the background.

Troy tells Barnaby that Dr Bullard rang about the scarf and lipstick. He's run some tests. The scarf's a cheap item, could've been bought anywhere. The lipstick's old. Dr. Bullard reckons it's the kind of thing you could come across at a jumble sale or in a junk shop. Barnaby shows the lipstick and scarf to Louise and she says that they are tarty and cheap. "Ghastly. As for this piece of tat, it's ancient - look at the colour. Hardly anybody wears ice-pink lipstick these days. That went out with compacts and tea dances. Where did you find them? So they don't belong to you? No they certainly do not belong to me. I'm sorry. Even in the old days no woman in her right mind would buy this sort of junk. Actually, it's the sort of thing men might buy for a woman. Except they'd be getting it wrong."

At the dance hall, Troy and Jay are dancing to Tangerine while the disco ball is flashing. ♪ Tangerine ♪ ♪ When she dances by ♪ ♪ Senoritas stare and caballeros sigh ♪ ♪ And I sing ♪ ♪ Toast to Tangerine ♪ ♪ Barnaby leaves them to it.

At a music store, Barnaby looks through old records. Joyce tells Barnaby that Cully rang. She's just started rehearsals for a play she is in. Barnaby muses that it must be important for an actor or actress to have the right atmosphere when they're getting into a part. They'd need the right props, need to set the scene, set the period. Barnaby wonders if the same principle applies to certain murderers?

Plot, Part 4[]


Outside, Owen August is walking. He hears jazz music and turns around. He recognizes the person behind him. The murderer takes away his walking stick and beats Owen with it.

Barnaby and Troy arrive with Jay. Jay says the murder happened less than half an hour ago. And there is a pen stuck to a tree. There are tire prints all the way along the track. Then there's a place where a car's tried to reverse on the grass. Abe says he saw Owen walking and then saw a car further along the track. The car seemed to be following Owen.

At the Plough, John Field is on the phone talking to "Tammie." He asks to see her. Barbara asks what's the matter? John says she has found someone else. He needs to go to London to try and talk to her. Barbara says, "Oh, no. You can't go. I'm scared. And I need you here. I need you."

Louise says the pen may have belonged to Owen as he did collect things. She says he was a foolish man most of the time. And there wasn't a great deal of love between them. But he was still her husband. Louise starts to cry.

At the Shortlands home, Keith says he has another job and is moving to Dorset. He can't live there any more after what happened to Debbie. Keith tells them some of Debbie's customers were difficult. Some were tight-fisted and didn't like paying, and another one wanted her to work on a typewriter. An ancient one. "She told him to forget it. He even gave her a present, would you believe? A dress. Debbie said it must have come out of the ark. Pure fifties." Keith doesn't know who the man was but he wanted Debbie to type a book.

Troy tries to give Jay the gift he bought her. She says she won't accept it because it is the start of things. She says Troy is a friend and colleague. She was hurt once, badly. She was prepared to do anything, even give up her job. She says she doesn't want that to happen again. The murderer is watching Troy and Jay from his car. The billhook is hidden under a towel.

Barnaby sees John Field on his way to the Plough and John tells him he is on his way to a jazz concert. Jay gets a phone call. The person on the line wants her to meet them somewhere. She agrees to meet them.

Barnaby goes into the Plough and talks to Barbara. She tells him that John needs cheering up. His girlfriend's dumped him. Her name is Tammie. It sounds so out of date. Barnaby asks how he keeps in touch with his girlfriend. Barbara says John always calls her. She never calls him. Barnaby asks to go see John's room.

Jay shows up at the dance hall expecting to see Troy or Barnaby.

Barnaby searches John Field's room. There is an ancient typewriter. In the closet is a handwritten manuscript called Dark Autumn. Barnaby finds a photo of John's mother in a bureau. Barbara says John's mother killed herself when he was 8 years old. Barnaby finds a photo of Jay with the name Tammie written on it.

At the dance hall, Jay hears music and sees the disco ball lit up. John Field is in the hall. He asks Jay to dance. John sees Tammie when he looks at Jay.

Plot, Denouement[]

Jay turns off the music. John pulls out the billhook and comes after Jay. They struggle. Jay gets away and runs into a room and locks the door. John starts pounding the door with the billhook. Jay smashes a chair as John thrusts the billhook through the door and it falls to the floor. Barnaby and Troy rush into the room and Troy tackles John.

Barnaby and Troy interview John. "We've been reading this manuscript of yours. Dark Autumn. It's almost biographical. It's about your mother. It's all set in the same period. The early fifties. How old would your mother have been then? Twenty, twenty-one." John says, "She was beautiful." Troy says, "How would you know? You weren't born then." John says, "I've got photographs." John says he wanted to write about her. How she lived in those days, how she looked. He tried to get a publisher to read it. That's why he moved there. But the publisher refused. His mother was forty when she kill herself. She was ill and was no longer beautiful. She worked as a hostess in a dance hall as she had to support him somehow.

Barnaby asks "Why did you kill David Cutler?" John says, "He preyed on women." Barnaby says, "And Debbie? What had she done wrong? Wouldn't she play the game? Wouldn't she accept the part you'd chosen for her? (flashback: Keith saying "He even gave her a present, would you believe? A dress! Debbie said it must have come out of the ark. Pure '50s). And Simon Reason?" John says, "He was an adulterer. Who needs them? And I wanted one of his desks." Troy says, "But he sold it to Owen August." Barnaby says, "The man who rejected your manuscript, was that Owen August, too?" John says, "He could have helped me. But he couldn't be bothered. I wasn't important enough for him. He rejected everything I believed in. Everything I loved." Barnaby says, "So why attempt to kill Jay Nash? Was that yet another rejection?" John says, "I wanted her to take Tammie's place. Until I saw her with you." He looks at Troy. Barnaby asks, "What was your mother's name?" John says, "She...she used a professional name when she was working. She became ill and she lost her looks because of me." He starts to cry. Barnaby says, "But you were only eight at the time." John says, "It doesn't matter. She lost her looks and she died because of me." Barnaby says, "What was her name, John?" John says, "Tammie."

Troy asks, "Can I give you a lift, Sir?" Barnaby says, "No, thanks. Joyce is driving out here. She'll pick me up. What's that?" referring to the book that Troy bought for Jay. Troy says, "I suppose I may as well dump it." It is a book of poems by Lord Byron. Troy says, "Jay had this tatty old book in her house. So I thought I'd buy her a new one. She'd marked that page in particular. Must have been her favourite." Barnaby reads it, "So we'll go no more a roving, so late into the night, though the heart be still as loving, and the moon be still as bright..." Barnaby recalls that one of the bouquets of flowers at Dave Cutler's funeral had a note on it with the same verse...So We'll Go No More A Roving.



Body Count[]

Prior to the Episode

In the Episode

Body Count Notes[]

  • During each murder, the killer plays the song "The Creep" written by Ken Mackintosh.

Supporting Cast[]

Episode Images[]



The following actors and actress who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes:


  • This is the first episode in which an attempt is made to kill an investigating officer.
  • The song 'Tangerine' is sung by Jimmy Dorsey.
  • The knife used in the first two killings is most likely known as a Billhook or Firewood Knife. Ade Jessell is seen using a similar knife for trimming small branches.
  • Barnaby realizes at the end that the flowers at Dave Cutler's grave with the note "So We'll Go No More a Roving" were from Jay Nash. She was one of Dave Cutler's women.

The Trials and Tribulations of DS Gavin Troy:

  • Troy fell for Jay Nash and bought her a gift of Lord Byron poetry. But Jay wouldn't accept it. She didn't want a relationship. She had been hurt badly once and had been prepared to do anything, even give up her job. Troy didn't know that the guy who hurt her was Dave Cutler.


  • In the game of Aunt Sally, each competitor throws six sticks. After Tom Barnaby throws his third stick, he is clearly seen with four left to throw.
  • Troy is holding three wooden sticks to throw at the Aunt Sally doll. You then hear the sounds of him picking up four more sticks. Cut back to Troy holding six sticks under his arm.
  • At around 1:11:17, a tube of lipstick is referred to as ice-pink by one of the characters; ice pink is a light shade, the tube in the science is clearly a darker red.



Midsomer Murders - Best Location E08

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