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Orchis Fatalis is the third episode of the eighth series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders and first aired 9th January 2005.


All is not well with the members of the Midsomer Malham Orchid Society. DCI Barnaby and DS Scott find themselves investigating the murder of a member of the Society and as it turns out, someone who was selling very rare orchids for huge sums of money. What they learn is that for many members of the Society, collecting orchids is as addictive as drugs and there is no shortage of possible suspects as a result.

Plot, Part 1[]

A year ago, In the rainforest of Mount Kinabalu, Borneo, Madeline Villiers and Jimmy Fong are hunting for a rare orchid. Jimmy sees marks in a log he made a year ago. Next to it is the Yellow Roth. It's worth £100,000. Madeline smuggles it out of the country.

Present day, Professor Margaret Winstanley rides her bicycle on her way to the Midsomer Malham Annual Flower & Orchid Show at Malham Manor. The band is playing New Orleans jazz. Margaret gets out her clipboard to judge the flowers. Tom Barnaby is manning the Tombolo booth. "Roll up! Roll up! Try your luck! Only £1 a ticket! Or six for a fiver!" Mrs. Hilliard and her butler, Feather, observe the fair and then go back inside the house. Captain Tucker wins a tea cosy and tells Barnaby to throw it in the trash. People go around and look at the orchids in the tent. Munro Hilliard sprays his orchids with water and shines the leaves.

Professor Winstanley and her assistant, Jonathan Makepeace, prepare to announce the winner of the show. Professor Winstanley says, "We congratulate the Midsomer Malham Orchid Society for a magnificent display. I thank Munro Hilliard for hosting this wonderful show in his perfectly elegant Malham Manor. Before we hand out prizes, Jonathan has some very exciting news." Jonathan says, "Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce a single monkey orchid is growing again in a wood on the Downs. (Murmuring) We need volunteers to mount a 24-hour vigil to protect it from poachers while it's in bloom. Your chairman, Mr Hilliard, has offered to work a rota." Mrs. Maitland says, "I'll volunteer, Mr Hilliard." Munro says, "Good show, Mrs Maitland! If any more of you would give me your names, before the end of the day, I'd be most grateful. And now it's over to you, Professor Winstanley." Margaret announces that the winner of best plant in show is Captain Tucker (audience gasps) for his miniature cymbidium. 2nd prize to Munro Hilliard and 3rd prize to Henry Plummer. (Audience claps).

Plummer complains to his wife about winning a "poxy third." His wife, Deborah Plummer, says, "You mean you were beaten again by Munro Hilliard?" Plummer says, "Pompous old twit! Just because he owns the place, he thinks it's his right to win. (DCI Barnaby overhears him). He only came second. He was gutted." Deborah says, "You know what I think about your bloody orchids! Just fancy, over-priced weeds! If you buy any more, you're going to ruin us. Can't you grow something we can eat?!"

Joyce Barnaby comes by to see how it's going. Barnaby says, "There's a bottle of Rioja left!" Madeline says to Joyce, "Congratulations on yet another botanical extravaganza, Mrs Barnaby." Madeline wins a prize on the tombola- Baedeker's Guide To Switzerland! Madeline says, "How wonderfully serendipitous! Thank you, Mr Barnaby." Plummer comes up to Munro Hilliard and says, "I've got something at home that you would literally kill for. You'd remortgage your manor house just to get your hands on it." Munro says, "The Hilliards don't have mortgages, Henry. Excuse me."

Back home, Plummer looks at the Yellow Roth orchid. Deborah says, "I've done my horticultural duty for today. I'm off to London for some excitement. You'll ruin us. Well, don't expect me back for breakfast!"

Plot, Part 2[]

MURDER 1: Harry Rose drives through the village on his way to Madeline Villier's house. He knocks on Madeline's door. He gets the key from under the flower pot and goes inside. He sees Madeline in a chair, eyes open, mouth open. DEAD! ...Creepy music...

DS Dan Scott asks if Harry touched anything. Harry says, "No, of course not. I only come here to change a heater. Aren't you going to cover her up or something?" DCI Tom Barnaby arrives. Scott says, "This is Harry Rose. He's the local handyman." Scott says, "So, we've got an old woman's list. (Reads) Suitcase, passport, Swiss money, cancel papers and milk, hide safe key." Barnaby spies the book she won at the tombolo stand. Scott wonders if she was going to Switzerland to be married. And if it fell through maybe she killed herself. Scott shows Barnaby a safe. He takes an axe to the safe and the back falls off. They find a diary in latin and an account book with sums written in Roman numerals. Will need to get it translated.

Dr. George Bullard arrives. He tells Barnaby that Brother Robert up at Midsomer Abbey would be a good translator. He also makes the best honey you've ever tasted. Harry Rose says she has no next of kin as she once told him she was adopted. She was a Classics teacher at Midsomer Ladies' College. Retired. Rose works for everybody in the village.

Barnaby and Scott go to talk to Brother Robert. He is tending his bees. Brother Robert reads the notebook. He says, "Cymbidium, odontioda, phalaenopsis, papheopedilum. These are all orchids. An odontioda orchid was sold for £500 to a CM on the 6th of September last year. You need an expert for this. Do you know Professor Winstanley?" Barnaby says his wife does. She judged the flower show the other day. Barnaby gives Brother Robert the diary to translate. He reads....Dies Saturni ut canes in via delicias fecimus. Vinum bibimus et interim... fecit. "Saturday, we satisfied ourselves like street dogs. We drank wine and did it again and again. Last night, I shudder to recall, he was impotent. Tomorrow, therefore, I shall arouse him, not only with my endearments, but with a potion." Brother Robert says he will let Barnaby know what progress he is making.

Barnaby and Scott meet with Margaret Winstanley. She shows them flowers. Scott sneezes. She says, "This collection was started by Sir Wilfred Hilliard, traveller and plant collector. Grandfather of the president of the Midsomer Orchid Society. Your wife must know him." Margaret introduces them to Jonathan, then remembers they already met at the flower show. Barnaby tells them that Madeline Villiers was found dead yesterday morning. Margaret says, "Madeline admired Jonathan's devotion to our orchids." Margaret says, "I also advised her on her magnificent garden. I can't believe she's dead." Scott sneezes. He has hay fever. They go into the office. Margaret looks at Madeline's notebook. Margaret says, "Goodness me! It appears that Madeline was selling some of the world's rarest orchids. For considerable amounts of money. Look at this one, for example. (Reads) The phragmipedium kovachii. That's from Peru. It's an incredibly rare plant. Sold on the 10th of July to JK for... Liv... VXCIX. That's £5,999. Neofinetia falcata, variegated. To CP for... For £50,000. Scott says, "50 grand for a flower?!" Margaret says, "Rich old Japanese men collect them. They're little white flowers with amazing leaves. Beautiful." Scott says, "Yeah, but... 50 grand?!" Jonathan shows them a photo of the flower. Margaret says, "Papheopedilum Rothschildianum flavum. It's a slipper orchid. From paphos, meaning slipper. It refers to the shape of the bottom petal. A yellow roth. Sold to HP for £150,000." Henry Plummer.?

Plot, Part 3[]

MURDER 2: Deborah Plummer looks around the house for her husband. She goes outside to the greenhouse. She sees a stepladder and a shoe. Henry is hanging from the ceiling. SCREAMING...

Dr. Bullard says he's been dead more than 36 hours. Barnaby and Scott ask Mrs. Plummer when she last saw her husband. She says around 7:30 on Saturday night. She went up to London. I got back yesterday, after midnight. She got up late and went looking for him. She shows the detectives the greenhouse which had been filled with beautiful flowers. Now they were all dead or smashed. Orchids were Henry Plummer's passion. Barnaby tells Deborah that one of Henry's orchids was priced at £150,000.

At Malham Manor, Munro is looking at the Yellow Roth orchid.

Jimmy Fong arrives at Madeline's. Harry Rose tells him Madeline is dead. The police took her body. They took the books with them as well. She sold the orchid.

Dr. Bullard tells the detectives Madeline was poisoned by hemlock. Barnaby says, "So, she'd booked a flight to Switzerland. Suitcase was packed. She was about to be married. It's a scenario that can't include suicide, can it? But a million quid's worth of smuggled orchids... Now that could be a very good reason why someone would kill her. I tell you what I'd really like to know, George, is if our Mr Plummer here really did hang himself. I think it's time we paid a visit to the chairman of the Midsomer Orchid Society. We may have an orchid war on our hands."

Barnaby and Scott go to speak to Munro Hilliard, but he isn't home. He is on the Downs on orchid patrol. The detectives go walking up the Downs. Munro Hilliard points a gun at Scott and says, "You there! Keep still! What the... Don't move, I said! Don't step back! Keep still! Imbecile! Idiot!" Scott backs up and steps on the orchid they are protecting. Munro says, "Why didn't you stand still? First time it's flowered in five years. And you've trampled it to death, you idiot! Now I know where 'flat-footed copper' comes from." Barnaby says, "And you, sir, you could be jailed for threatening a police officer with a lethal weapon." Barnaby tells the Midsomer Orchid Society that Henry Plummer is dead and somebody destroyed his entire orchid collection. Munro says, "Plummer was a parvenu. Desperate for a reputation among real orchid growers. But he bought his plants, rather than grow them himself. I'm sorry the poor man's dead but... Well, he wasn't exactly the most popular of our members." Captain Foster says, "No genuine collector would destroy a single orchid. Let alone an entire collection!"

Jimmy Fong goes through Madeline's house and finds her will.

Scott reports to Barnaby that Miss Villiers took three trips to Borneo in the last 12 months. And one to Peru. Scott goes to the travel office, where Cully is working. Cully tells Scott that their records are confidential. She does look up records on Madeline. Last year, she went to the Far East three times. And South America. And Borneo, earlier this year. The account was also used by Mr Jimmy Fong. He was due to fly into the UK from Bangkok last Saturday.

Jimmy Fong goes to the solicitor's office, Mr. Jocelyne. He says, "Miss Villiers left you her entire estate. On condition that she is cremated and her ashes scattered as orchid fertiliser. On the slopes of... Mount... Kinabalu, Borneo." He tells Fong that the books the police took out of her safe will be returned to him.

Scott reports to Barnaby that the money Miss Villiers made from the orchids was paid into a Swiss bank account. She sold the Papheopedilum for £150,000. Yet only £25,000 of it was paid into her account. Which means that £125,000 could still be unpaid. Barnaby surmises that maybe Henry Plummer was going to sell on the orchid - at a profit. Someone clobbered him, then strung him up to make it look like suicide. They may be looking for a third party.

Harry Rose is at Madeline's house working on an outside tap she already paid for. Madeline has a lovely garden. Rose says a university student comes over to work on it. Scott finds a can of sulfuric acid. He pours it on a flower, which wilts. Rose says it's supposed to be diluted 1 part to 100. While outside, Jimmy Fong watches from inside the cottage. Rose shows the detectives hemlock. It's poisonous. Rose says Miss Villiers, kept a bottle of it in case she got one of them debilitating diseases. Harry Rose has a record for Manslaughter. He lives at Causton bail hostel.

Plot, Part 4[]

Margaret Winstanley speaks to Barnaby and Scott about her orchid- "A phalaenopsis. They ooze glamour, don't you think? They add a sort of...I don't know, sexiness to a room." Barnaby says, "Madeline Villiers employed a handyman called Rose. Do you know that man, Professor?" Margaret says, "Harry Rose? Indeed I do. Harry's an absolute godsend. To a good number of people in the neighbourhood."

Scott tells Barnaby that Miss Villiers' account in Switzerland was shared with a bloke called Jimmy Fong, who's been making withdrawals. He also shares a travel agent's account with her. And he flew in three days ago from Bangkok. Scott froze their joint Swiss bank account.

Barnaby goes to talk to Margaret Winstanley. Barnaby says, "What is it about these plants that turns collectors into criminals?" Margaret says, "Addiction. Obsession. Mania. Call it what you will. Personally, I'm attracted both to the peculiar, and to the erotic. Take this papheopedilum sanderianum here. Just look at its luscious folds, that perfectly round glistening pouch. Did you know that orchid is a Greek word meaning testicle?" Barnaby asks, "What does Mr Winstanley think about your passion for orchids?" Margaret says, "He walked out on me years ago." Barnaby asks, "Does the name Jimmy Fong mean anything to you?" Margaret says, "Fong? He's a notorious orchid smuggler. The convention on international trade in endangered species has been after him for years." Barnaby says, "Did you know he was involved with Miss Villiers?" Margaret says, "I'm intrigued. But I had absolutely no idea."

Dr. Bullard shows Barnaby and Scott the results of Plummer's autopsy- "Venous engorgement. Enlargement of the vein above the point of injury. And... cyanosis. The blue discoloration of the fingertips." Barnaby says, "So he was strangled first, then hung up to make it look like suicide."

The detectives go to see Mrs Plummer. Barnaby says, "It appears your husband's death was not a suicide." Harry Rose is upstairs singing and collecting Plummer's clothes for donation to Oxfam. Deborah starts crying when she hears Henry was strangled. Deborah tells the detectives that she doesn't want to speak to them without her solicitor. Barnaby tells Henry to come to the police station that afternoon.

Jimmy Fong arrives in a black BMW and pretends to be a food deliverer from Happy House Chinese restaurant. When the detective go to the restaurant, the manager there knows nothing.

Later Barnaby and Scott meet with Harry Rose. Barnaby asks, "Mr Rose, the weedkiller found in Miss Villiers' shed matches that used to kill Mr Plummer's orchids." Rose says, "That's got nothing to do with me." Scott says, "Maybe Deborah asked you to do it as a favor." Rose admits that he has sex with Deborah sometimes. She gets off on being laid by an ex-con." But he had nothing to do with her husband's death. Miss Villiers sometimes wanted sex with him. "Her lover lives abroad and she needed the practice. Like she said, use it or lose it." Harry knows nothing about Miss Villiers' orchid smuggling. He is astounded to hear that she sold an orchid for £150,000. Then he says he knew about the yellow roth. He says, "Miss Villiers was livid because Henry Plummer only coughed up 25 grand. She said if I went to his house and got it back, she'd give me 50 quid. I did go round to Plummer's house. About ten o'clock. And there was no-one there. But I was already too late. Everything was ruined. I phoned Miss Villiers, but when she didn't answer, I went home to the hostel. Next morning, I found her dead. Never did get the 50 quid!"

Plot, Part 5[]

MURDER 3: At Munro Hilliard's home, Munro toasts the Yellow Roth. Someone stabs him in the back with a pitchfork and takes the orchid. The police and Dr. Bullard arrive. Bullard shows Barnaby an empty pot. Something missing. Something taken. Feather, the butler, found Munro. Mrs. Hilliard says her husband recently acquired the yellow roth. Mrs. Hilliard says, "Munro can afford to indulge, Mr Barnaby. Like his father and his grandfather before him, he was addicted to orchids as others are addicted to drսg. They were his passion. What of this deadly orchid? This orchis fatalis? The price proved too high. Even for Munro." Mrs Hilliard says she has no idea where the orchid came from. Her husband would not have bought the orchid if he'd known it was illegally imported into the country. He was a conservationist! She also says it is unlikely Munro would have bought the orchid from Henry Plummer. They despised each other. Munro considered Plummer an arriviste!

Barnaby speak to Brother Robert about Madeline's diary. Brother Robert says, "She describes in great detail the sеxual acts between her and her many partners. Ferus Asiae tigris quantum differit ab juvene. Wild Asian tiger is growing tame. How different from the young man. (Jimmy Fong). And this is her last entry. It's most curious. Et cras dies nuptiarum mea. And tomorrow is my wedding day but I shall not marry the peacemaker." Barnaby says, "And I think we'll find the peacemaker is Jonathan Makepeace."

Barnaby and Scott interview Jonathon Makepeace. He admits that he did go round to Madeline's home a couple of times. But he had nothing at all to do with her death. He did plan to marry her but he couldn't go through with it. Pillow talk might have provided a valuable lead to her smuggling activities. Professor Winstanley admits that she put Jonathon up to sleeping with Madeline. She says, "Madeline's sеxual appetite was well known in the village. We had a pretty good idea (of her smuggling orchids). Hence the Casanova role for Jonathan. Which she was perfectly happy with." Jonathon had nothing to do with her death. "He's a botanist, not a murderer!" Barnaby tells her that the catalyst for both Madeline's and Plummer's deaths was a smuggled orchid. Which was eventually bought by Munro Hilliard. And as a result, he too was murdered.

Mrs. Hilliard found some papers in Munro's office. Munro had arranged to pay £175,000 from one of his offshore accounts to Mrs Plummer. The payment was not made and the account frozen.

Barnaby and Scott arrange to meet with Jimmy Fong. His attorney says as sole beneficiary of the late Miss Villiers' will, Jimmy wants returned to him certain items removed illegally from Madeline's safe. Mr Fong says he delivered a Chinese meal to do a fellow Chinaman a favour. Jimmy Fong says, "I've devoted all my life to saving threatened orchids from extinction. I came here... to marry Madeline Villiers and to take her away on honeymoon to Switzerland. I loved her. And she loved me. I would never kill her!

Barnaby and Scott interview Mrs Plummer. Barnaby says, "You stole the yellow roth from your husband's collection because Munro Hilliard had secretly agreed to buy it from you." Deborah says, "It was my orchid, dammit! Henry had paid for it with my money! But yes, you're right. Hilliard had agreed to buy it. I didn't go to London immediately after the flower show. The thought of 150 grand's-worth of plant just sitting there was too much for me. He'd already gone into town, so I took the orchid. Then I thought, "What the hell? Why don't I put a stop to this orchid lunacy once and for all?" There's no law against it. I checked." Barnaby says, "But there is - against selling smuggled orchids." Jimmy Fong demanded the rest of the payment for the orchid. So Deborah went over to Munro Hilliard's to get the money. But he was dead and the orchid gone.

Harry Rose tells the detectives that he drove Deborah to Munro Hilliard's. He did notice a bicycle at Hilliard's. An old butcher's bike propped up against the wall. The kind that Margaret Winstanley owns.

Barnaby asks Margaret where she was yesterday because her bicycle was seen outside Hilliard's house yesterday afternoon. Margaret says she lent it to Jonathan.

Plot Denouement[]

Back in the palm house, Jonathan is hiding the orchid among the palm trees. Barnaby says, 'What a perfect place to hide the orchid that has already cost three lives." Jonathan threatens the detectives with a shovel. He throws the shovel at them and runs away. He climbs a fence and jumps over to boats on the river. He winds up in the hospital.

Barnaby tells Jonathan that he has a witness who will testify that Professor Winstanley's bike, which she lent to Jonathan, was seen outside Hilliard's house at the relevant time. And Jonathan's prints were on the fork. The moment Jonathan laid eyes upon it, he recognised it. The yellow roth. (Flashback: Jonathon-You and I could breed from it, Mr Hilliard. We could make millions. Munro-You think I do this for the money? You greedy little tyke! I'm not breeding anything from this beauty. All my life I've waited for a moment like this. Not even my father, nor my grandfather before him, ever saw such a perfect bloom. Jonathan- Then let's say you give me £200,000 or I inform the police. Munro- Blackmail? How dare you? Get out of here, you bloody upstart! You're not fit to be in the same room as this beautiful plant. Jonathan-We'll see about that). Jonathan says "I threatened to report him and he attacked me. Self-defence. That's what I'll say in court and no-one can prove otherwise."

Barnaby says, "Madeline Villiers had no intention of marrying you, had she? It was she who jilted you. It was the last entry in her diary. Then, in a fit of rage at seeing your smuggling ambitions go up in smoke, you killed her." (Flashback: Jonathan- Are you mad? Are you suffering from dementia or something? Madeline- "No, Jonathan, I'm not. You don't know my future husband. Although you've lain in my bed to try and coax his name out of me. But he and I are made for each other. We're meant to spend our last years together. It's our destiny." Jonathan- "So, you just used me, didn't you? You debauched old bat! I was only your toy boy after all, wasn't I?" Madeline- "Don't play the innocent with me, Jonathan. I'd hate to think that was all there was to our affair." Jonathan threatens to pour hemlock down her throat.... Jonathan- "Tell me, or you'll drink every last drop." Madeline- "Don't be stupid, Jonathan." Jonathan- "Tell me! " Madeline- "Jonathan, please!" Jonathan- "Tell me." Madeline- "Henry Plummer.") Barnaby says, "You must have held on to her until the hemlock started to work. And then went round to steal the orchid from Henry Plummer. But something unexpected happened, didn't it, Jonathan?" (Flashback: The orchids in Plummer's greenhouse are destroyed. "You did this! Hilliard sent you, didn't he? You destroyed everything! You toe-rag!" Plummer throws Jonathon to the ground. Jonathon strangles Plummer.) Barnaby says, "And all for a single orchid." Jonathon says, "Not just any old orchid. The rarest orchid in the whole world! "

Margaret says, "He was such a promising student. Such a terrible waste." Margaret is taking care of the yellow Roth. She plans to spend the night with it.

At the funeral, Barnaby thanks Brother Robert for the eulogy. Harry Rose thanks Barnaby for giving him a second chance. Margaret Winstanley and Jimmy Fong walk arm in arm. They're going to Mount Kinabalu to carry out Madeline's last wish. Fong says, "She wanted her ashes scattered as fertiliser on the jungle slopes. She'll help grow unique orchid, which we'll name after her." The Barnaby's and Scott go to lunch. Barnaby says, "Chinese, anyone?"



Body Count[]

Supporting Cast[]

Episode Images[]


Jonathon Makepeace for the murders of


  • Last appearance of Timothy Bateson as Mr. Jocelyne.

The following actors and actresses who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes:


  • The producers clearly wanted to suggest a botanical name with title of this episode, 'Orchis fatalis'; orchids get their name from a resemblance to the testicle. So, the title could be translated as 'Fatal testicle'.
  • Captain Tucker wears the regimental tie of the Brigade of Guards; Munro Hilliard wears the club tie of the Marylebone Cricket Club.

Trials and Tribulations of DS Dan Scott:

  • Scott gets to use his talents from the Met in breaking a safe with an axe.
  • Scott steps on a rare orchid growing on the downs while being threatened with a gun from the Orchid society.


DS Scott: "Think we should open it sir?"
DCI Barnaby: "Uh, yes we should. Did you find the key?"
DS Scott: "Uh, no, sir. Rose doesn't know where she kept it. But with one of these old things, you don't need one anyway."
DCI Barnaby: "Really? <Watches as Scott hits the safe with an axe and the back falls off> Where did you learn to do that?"
DS Scott: "School of hard locks, sir."
— DS Scott to DCI Barnaby after finding a safe at the crime scene.[src]
DCI Barnaby: "Uh, now, uh, Brother Robert, I'm afraid, uh , this diary contains, uh, well, lurid details of rather robust sexual activity."
Brother Robert: "Really? Hmm <reading Latin> I see what you mean. "Saturday we satisfied ourselves like street dogs. We drank wine and did it again and again.""
DCI Barnaby: "Eh, perhaps it's a little unfair, Brother Robert, given your calling, to ask you to translate this, um, stuff."
Brother Robert: "Not at all. <smirks>"
— DCI Barnaby to Brother Robert asking him to translate the victim's diary written in Latin.[src]


  • Professor Margaret Winstanley attempts to convert Roman numerals into Arabic Numerals and determines that 'VXCIX' is '5,999'. Not only is it wrong, 'VXCIX' is complete gibberish. '5,999' is 'V (with a line atop it) CMXCIX.
  • When Barnaby is shown a plant and told that it is Hemlock, Conium maculatum, it is clearly Common Hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium.



Midsomer Murders Series 8 Episode 3 - Orchis Fatalis Preview

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