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Vixen's Run is the third episode of the ninth series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders and originally aired on 5th March 2006.


Sir Freddy Butler has a family reunion of sorts, the purpose of which baffles everyone invited. The guests include all of his ex-wives, his two sons and his somewhat dotty brother, Teddy. He rises at the dinner table and says he has an important announcement to make and then promptly keels over, dead. DCI Barnaby is convinced he was poisoned, even when the autopsy reveals he died of natural causes. Soon afterwards however, Sir Freddy's solicitor is murdered and it would seem that he had changed his will very recently. Could that have been the important announcement he was to make and if so, who among the group stood to gain, or lose, by Sir Freddy's death?




Body Count[]

Supporting Cast[]

Episode Images[]



Midsomer Murders Series 9 Episode 3 - Vixen's Run Preview


DCI Barnaby: "So what killed him?"
George Bullard: "Gluttony. He had late-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, and arteries like old drains. I'd say his coronary was about two years overdue."
DCI Barnaby: "No sign of anything untoward?"
George Bullard: "Bit of arsenic."
DCI Barnaby: "Ahh!"
George Bullard: "No ahh. Nothing. It comes with the diabetes treatment. In correct doses, arsenic's very good for you. Natural causes, Tom. Makes a change for Midsomer, but there you go. Can't have everything."

— DCI Tom Barnaby talking to Pathologist George Bullard at the autopsy.[src]

DCI Barnaby: "So you were in here until late last night, were you?"
Teddy Butler: "Trying to instill a sense of self-worth into my aubergines."
DCI Barnaby: "Lady Annabel says that you dropped in on her for a cocoa 'round about midnight."
Teddy Butler: "Oh, really? Uh,uh, well, if Annabel says it, it must be true."
DCI Barnaby: "Well, don't you remember yourself?"
Teddy Butler: "Yesterday is another country, Mr. Barnaby. Borders are now closed."

— DCI Barnaby interviewing Teddy Butler in Teddy's greenhouse.[src]


  • Paternal Revelations
    • Teddy admits that Henry York was the father of Richard Butler as a result of a liaison with Lady Annabel at the cottage where Amos Brown lived. This liaison is shown in the opening scenes.
    • Teddy also admits that Jenny is his daughter, a secret that he and Hatty had sworn to keep.
    • Michael's father is Simon Oliver as a result of his long-time affair with Lady Tara.
  • After saying that co-operation works both ways, Lady Annabel asks Barnaby why he did not ask her about Freddy's death, implying that she somehow initiated his coronary event. Barnaby tells her "Well, that was natural causes", to which she replies "Yes. Yes, of course it was." and she chooses to not look at Barnaby anymore, making him think about this.

The following actors and actresses who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes:
