Fêtes, Plays, Competitions
Angel's Rise
A Dying Art The Witches of Angel's Rise
- Sculpture Park
- Angel's Rise Psychic Fayre- Sarah Barnaby has a booth.
Aspern Tallow
Blue Herrings Beyond the Grave The Glitch
- The Pilgrim's Ride Bicycle Race to benefit Midsomer Children's hospital. Jones and Stephens bike along to catch baddies. Joyce and Cully participate.
Badger's Drift
The Killings at Badger's Drift Death's Shadow Midsomer Rhapsody The Axeman Cometh The Great and the Good The Killings of Copenhagen
Tye House is the manor house in the village
- Grand Village Fête, featuring an archery booth, coconut throwing, palm reading, cakes and tombola.
- An auction of memorabilia of Joan Alder
- A performance of Joan Alder's music
- Wedding of Joan's mum.
- Rock Concert
- Frobisher Night Auction
- John and Nelson travel to Copenhagen. Sarah has her baby.
Bantling Hall
Bantling Boy
Manor house
- Horse Race
- Medieval Fête,
Red in Tooth & Claw
Bellville Hall is the manor house where fair is held
Murder of Innocence Claws Out
- Dog Agility Show to raise money for Bowel Cancer
The Sicilian Defence
Blacktrees Forest
The Blacktrees Prophecy
Blacktrees Hall
Crime and Punishment
Bledlow Village
Blood Wedding
Bledlow Hall
Bow Clayton
Talking to the Dead
- Walk in Monks Barton woods to "talk to the dead"
For Death Prepare
Four Funerals and a Wedding
Aynscombe Farm
- Skimmington Festival- Tom Barnaby fires the starting pistol
- Four Funerals
- Wedding
Burwood Mantle
Breaking the Chain
Calham Cross
Days of Misrule
- Police team building event- Tom and Jones attend
- Christmas Choir- Joyce participates in.
Carver Valley
Drawing Dead
- Carver Valley's Seventh Comic Festival- Winter attends in costume.
Death of a Hollow Man Ghosts of Christmas Past Last Year's Model<br>Blood Wedding The Ghost of Causton Abbey The Lions of Causton Till Death Do Us Part The Miniature Murders
Causton is the County town (or seat) where county admin and police services are. Also Causton Playhouse, Causton Abbey, Rugby field, Midsomer Museum of the Family
- Production of Amadeus at the Causton Playhouse that Joyce Barnaby is in.
- Christmas Church service
- Trial
- Wedding
- Wedding- Cully is married
- Cursed Brew IPA Launch Party
- Rugby
- Another Wedding- Sarah and John attend
- Ceremony at museum welcoming exhibit of miniature houses
Challis Court
The Debt of Lies
Police Retirement Home
Cooper Hill
The Incident at Cooper Hill
Darnley Park
Death in the Slow Lane
- Classic Car Competition to benefit school. John Barnaby's first case in Midsomer.
Devington Manor
Master Class
Devington School
Murder on St. Malley's Day
located in Midsomer Parva
- St. Malley's Day Race. Joyce and Tom attend.
Draycott Hall
Ghost of Christmas Past
Located close to Causton
Left for Dead
- Wedding- Jones is Best Man
- Protest
Country Matters Dressed to Kill
- Drag show
- Domino competition
Ferne Basset
Death of a Hollow Man
Home of Harold Wynstanley
The Flying Club
Location of Finchmere Airfield
Fletcher's Cross
Dead Man's Eleven Things That Go Bump in the Night
Heritage Railway site
- Cricket Match with Troy playing
- Fletcher's Cross Ramblers Association
- Annual Fletcher's Cross railway heritage site feast- Joyce and Cully attend
Ford Florey
Blood on the Saddle
Goodman's Land
Dark Autumn A Climate of Death
- The Annual Hot Chili Competition
Granville Norton
The Sting of Death
Home of Apley Court
Great Auburn
The Village That Rose from the Dead
- Opening ceremony for Little Auburn
- 50's Dance
Great Pelfe
Not in My Back Yard
- Midsomer Open House and Gardens Tour- Joyce and Tom attend.
- Local Election
Great Worthy
Echoes of the Dead
Haddington Hall
Vixen's Run
- Haddington Hall Open Day- Vegetable competition, raffle, food tent- Joyce and Tom attend.
Karras Hall
Happy Families
- Birthday Party
- Murder Mystery.
John and Winter get stranded at the house.
Little Auburn
The Village That Rose from the Dead
Closed until recently
Little Crosby
Death of the Small Coppers
- Circulus Society competition
Little Malton
Habeas Corpus
Little Upton
Sauce for the Goose
Little Worthy
Small Mercies The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy
- Crazy Craft Race- Joyce and Tom attend.
- Glamping Site Opening
The Lodge of the Golden Windhorse
Death in Disguise
Lower Crosby
The Ballad of Midsomer County
- Little Crosby Folk music festival
Lower Pampling
Last Man Out
- Cricket competition- Former DS Jones is undercover
Lower Blissingham
A Grain of Truth
- Opening of refurbished mill
Lower Warden
A Tale of Two Hamlets
- An event to celebrate a horror film, The House of Satan. Joyce is in costume.
Luxton Deeping
The Dagger Club Picture of Innocence
Malham Bridge
A Talent for Life
March Magna
The Silent Land
- Ghost Walks- Joyce attends
Martyr Warren
Blood Will Out
- Village Fête
- Chariot Race
Midsomer Abbas
The Night of the Stag
Midsomer Barrow
The Fisher King
- Solstice Festival- Joyce and Tom attend.
Midsomer Barton
Dead Letters
- Midsomer Barton Oak Apple Week- Dog Show, floats, womanizing doctor.
Midsomer Chettham
The Creeper
Chettham House is the family estate.
Midsomer Cicely
Saints and Sinners
- Archaeological Dig
- Celebration of St. Cicely
Midsomer Deverell
Garden of Death The Animal Within
Midsomer Florey
Painted in Blood
- Watercolor Painting Class and auction. Joyce is a member of the class.
Midsomer Herne
The Night of the Stag
Midsomer Holm
Death in a Chocolate Box
Midsomer Langley
Death and the Divas The Scarecrow Murders
- Horror movie festival- John and Sarah attend
- Scarecrow Festival
Midsomer Magna
Destroying Angel Hidden Depths They Seek Him Here King's Crystal Birds of Prey
- A Village Fête- Joyce mans the crochet booth
- Punch and Judy Show
- Quiz Night
- Filming of The Scarlet Pimpernel- Joyce is an extra
- Open air theater production of Hamlet- Cully plays Ophelia
- Funeral
Midsomer Malham
The Oblong Murders Orchis Fatalis Tainted Fruit
Malham Manor
- Midsomer Malham Annual Flower & Orchid Show- Tom mans the Tombola
- Tennis Club "Do"
Midsomer Mallen
The Point of Balance
Midsomer Mallow
Bad Tidings Judgement Day
- Spanish Night
- Open Garden Day
- Perfect Village Competition
Midsomer Market
Market for Murder Death and Dust
- The Reading Club meeting
- Hike in Wales
A Rare Bird
Midsomer Mere
Second Sight
Midsomer Morchard
The Noble Art
- Boxing Championship.
- Unveiling of Statue. Joyce plays Queen Victoria in costume.
- Boxing Reenactment.
Midsomer Mow
The Sleeper Under the Hill
Midsomer Newton
The House in the Woods
Midsomer Oaks
Murder by Magic
- Magic Show
- Pagan ceremony
Midsomer Parva
The Electric Vendetta Murder on St. Malley's Day The Straw Woman Shot at Dawn Secrets and Spies The Sword of Guillaume
- UFO Meeting
- St. Malley's Day Race
- Straw Woman bonfire
- WWI Battle Re-enactment- Joyce is in costume as a nurse
- Cricket Match- Tom is referee and Jones is team member
- Trip to Brighton- Tom and John Barnaby work together
Midsomer Pastures
Schooled in Murder
Midsomer Priors
The Fisher King
Midsomer Regatta
Dead in the Water
Midsomer Sonning
Midsomer Life
Midsomer St. Claire
Let Us Prey
Midsomer St. Michael
Sins of Commission
- The 12th Annual Midsomer St. Michael Literary Festival- Cully attends w/new boyfriend
Midsomer Stanton
Written in the Stars
Midsomer Vertue
A Sacred Trust
Midsomer Vinae
A Vintage Murder
Midsomer Wellow
Ring Out Your Dead
- Bell-Ringing Competition
- Joyce does grave rubbings at the church.
Midsomer Worthy
Written in Blood Strangler's Wood The Green Man The Maid in Splendour Death in Chorus A Worm in the Bud Down Among the Dead Men Death and Dreams
Home to Raven's Wood and Setwale Woods
- The Midsomer Worthy Writer's Circle
- Choir Competition- Joyce and Ben are in the choir and George conducts.
- Mercy Park Open Day festival with band, booths, tug of war. Joyce and Tom attend
- Cricket
Midsomer Wyvern
Wild Harvest
Milton Cross
The Made-to-Measure Murders
Mods Mire
Book of the Dead
Monks Barton
Talking to the Dead
- Walk in Monks Barton woods to "talk to the dead"
Morton Fendle
Dance with the Dead Faithful unto Death
- 50's Dance- Jones and Cully attend
- Village Fête, complete with booths, food tents, villagers in costume. Joyce, Cully, & Tom attend
Morton Shallows
The Christmas Haunting
Most Haunted Village in England, 2003
- Fright Nights- Nelson stays overnight for 2nd night.
Newton Magna
Who Killed Cock Robin?
Quitewell Hall
The Dark Rider
- Reenactment of Battle between Cavaliers and Roundheads. Sarah leads the event.
Solomon Gorge
With Baited Breath
- Fishing competition
- Psycho Mud Run Obstacle competition- Winter participates.
Swynton Magna
Send in the Clowns
Stourwick Estate
The Devil's Work
Tamworth Springs
The Stitcher Society
The Curse of the Ninth
- Thassington Classical Music Festival
Upper Marchwood
Death of a Stranger
- Fox Hunt
- Play at Causton Playhouse which Cully is in,
- The Founders Night party.
Upper Warden
A Tale of Two Hamlets
Whitcombe Grange
Death by Persuasion
Manor Hall
- Jane Austen Immersive Week
- Dance- Sarah, John and Winter attend.
Whitcombe Mallet
Harvest of Souls
- Whitcombe Mallet Harvest Fayre
Whiteoaks Golf Club
The Dogleg Murders