Philip "Phil" Harrison is a character appearing in the episode A Tale of Two Hamlets of the ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders.
A handyman who lives in Lower Warden. He is the illegitimate son of Rupert Smythe-Webster and Sarah Proudie.
At a party held for Larry Smith, he witnesses an argument with Frank Webster and Sarah Proudie which ends with Frank walking away laughing. He then decides to take revenge on the Websters. Him and Danny Pinchel arrange to kill and blackmail the Websters.
At the opening of the Ellis Bell Satanic Experience, Danny takes Rupert Smythe-Webster's key to the Upper Warden Territorial Armory to take a thunder flash and plant it within the Summer House at Upper Warden Manor. When Larry walked from the Manor to the Summer House, Danny signaled Phil when to blow up the summer house as Larry entered.
After another failed blackmail attempt, Phil and Danny move in on Frank Webster by wiring his exercise bike to main circuit breakers to electrocute Frank.
In the Upper Warden Manor Kitchen, Phil and Danny fall out where Danny reveals to Phil that Rupert is Phil's father. Figuring out the Danny had betrayed him all along, he drowned Danny in a big pot of gazpacho and returned to Lower Warden where he showed Sarah the cloth full of gazpacho.
Soon after, Barnaby and Troy had caught up with him and Troy had let down his bike tires prior to him attempting to escape with it. Rupert drives over to Lower Warden with a gun attempting to kill Phil because of Danny, whom he was quite fond of, however, Barnaby calms him down and explains the causes of this entire conflict to him. Phil was arrested. He says "Bye, Daddy" before leaving.