Midsomer Murders Wiki

Terry "Groucho" Bellini is a character appearing in the episode Send in the Clowns of the ITV crime drama

Terry was one of the top-billing actors in Ferabbees Circus as he would perform in full make-up as "Groucho the Clown" along with his co-star, "Oucho," who were prominently featured in the show's advertising. At some point, he married the box-office lady, Daniella and had a daughter named Sophia. Though behind the scenes, Terry was very disgruntled with the lack of respect and proper payment he endured during his time at Ferabbees and desperately wanted out of the place. He also had a dark past regarding his sister-in-law, Elsa, as on the day of the "incident," he was too busy having sexual intercourse with one of the dancers to do a safety check and without it, resulted in her death.

On the first day of the circus coming back to town, Terry confiscates Les' beer flask upon finding him drinking before a show and bemoans in the dressing room that he should have his work cut out for him. During the usual act where he is constantly humiliated by all sorts of tricks (bucket of water, glitter, the BANG! gun), while he only ever counters with a "pie in the face" gag, "Groucho" manages to bonk "Oucho" in the nose a little harder than expected; which his co-star points out when they get back to the dressing room. Terry defends it as his way of saying "good-bye" and that he got a job offer at Geronimo's on the promise of better payment and a proper "leading role" while telling Les to hang up his clown shoes. Despite his pleading to make him stay, Groucho refuses and tells Oucho to put some ice on the nose. He returns to his wife's cabin at midnight to announce that they are leaving for new pastures, though while warning her that this opportunity will never come again, Daniella chooses to stay at Ferabbees as doing so otherwise would be a "betrayal." When Joe and Sophia walk in on their argument, Terry threatens the former that tomorrow will be his "last show" and tries to make the latter come with him, though is unsuccessful.

The next day, Terry gets ready for what will be his "last performance" and performs the usual clown show, in front of Barnaby, only for things to take a dark turn during the "BANG!" act where Les pulls out a gun that looks much more realistic than the prop version. Looking horrified, Les "fires" a "real" bullet that pierces Terry right through the heart and kills him. His body is taken away as the police arrive on the scene with his death ultimately kicking off the murder investigation. Though much later, it is revealed Les did not, in fact, kill Terry and that the gun he used fired blank bullets, which he even confirms that Terry was aware of as he gave them to him. Rather, the real culprit was none other than his own wife, who had found out from Les minutes or at least a day before his "last show" that he played a part in causing Elsa's death.
