Midsomer Murders Wiki

The Debt of Lies is the second episode of the twenty third series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders.


Gated estate Challis Court is a tight-knit community for retired police officers, but when a new arrival is found dead, the other residents regard the murder as an affront; Barnaby realizes that the killer is likely an ex-police officer.


DCI John Barnaby and his wife Sarah Barnaby arrive at a formal affair dressed to the nines. It is a "send-off" to Detective Chief Superintendent Elaine Bennet. Sarah tells Barnaby that he scrubs up pretty well. Sebastian Cabot and his wife are in attendance. "Elaine's working the room, I see," says Ruth Cabot. "Oh Aye, she always knew where the door marked in was," says Sebastian. Elaine's son Lionel Bennet and stepsister Matty Bennet are also present at the affair. Giles Franklyn asks them where Elaine's husband Damian Bennet is. "He wasn't up for it." Barnaby tells Sarah that he isn't interested in being a DCS. He had the chance to be promoted but he doesn't care for the politics, glad-handing and kissing-up. Sebastian asks Elaine how she is settling into her new place. "On the whole, everyone's being very welcoming." Giles Franklyn asks Elaine if she is enjoying herself. "Have you any idea of the damage you've done? The pain you've caused." "Have a lovely evening," Elaine says as she walks away. Sebastian Cabot speaks to Barnaby. DCI Cabot was Barnaby's boss a few years ago. Elaine has a reputation for being front and center. Now she is Sebastian's neighbor at Challis Court. It's a retirement home for police officers. Elaine gives a speech. She says she is delighted to move into Challis Court.

Barnaby tells Sarah that Cabot taught him a lot. "He taught me to listen not just to what is being said, but to what isn't. To follow where the evidence leads, not to where you think it ought to go. But mostly he taught me the importance of wearing a self tie bow tie," says Barnaby. he proceeds to untie his bow tie. As they are leaving, Barnaby sees Elaine arguing with Giles Franklyn.

MURDER 1: The next day, a car is seen crashing into a tree. Elaine is at the wheel.

At the Barnaby home, Sarah reminds Barnaby that she needs "a criminal." It's less than a week till the county fair and she needs someone to stand in the stocks. Betty Barnaby sits patiently eating breakfast while her mom does her hair. Sarah is chair of the County Fair Committee. Barnaby promises to "sort it."

At the scene of the car crash, Barnaby and DS Jamie Winter investigate. Pathologist Fleur Perkins says the airbag didn't help prevent Elaine Bennet's death. No seat beat was used and the brake cable was cut. Murder.

At Challis Court, Barnaby and Winter pull up. They knock on Damian Bennet's door. Matty Bennet answers the door and says she is Matilda, Elaine's stepdaughter. Damian Bennet is at the table with a bottle of whiskey. Lionel Bennet is pouring coffee. Damian says he was asleep and Elaine was gone when he woke up sometime after 9. Barnaby tells him they have witnesses that saw Elaine's car drive off at 5 this morning. Barnaby asks why she would leave that early. Damian didn't hear her leave. He had passed out from drinking. Damian asks why she was out so early, was it an accident? Barnaby says it wasn't an accident. Meanwhile, Winter is outside talking to Matty. She says she was just a kid when her mom left. "Elaine was a godsend. Damian and Elaine were both single parents. Damian adopted Lionel" so they had a blended family. Lionel is a landscape gardener and Matty is an accountant. Elaine was relieved that they didn't become police officers. Lionel tells Barnaby he rode to the event last night with Elaine and he drove home around midnight. Winter tells Barnaby that Elaine's car was damaged before.

At home, Lionel is speaking to his wife, Jenny Bennet. He tells her that "they have to tell the police." She says, "We can't. What if they come after us or Freya (their daughter)."

After the autopy, Fleur Perkins tells Barnaby that Elaine had Groedinger's Disease. Which is an inherited condition. Over time the brain cells began to waste away. Symptoms don't usually appear until middle age. They include loss of balance and eventually inability to walk and talk. Doctors advise sufferers to tell their children so they can get tested.

Elsewhere, Billy Bevan, of Felicitas Homes, is speaking to people about a field which used to be a polluted wasteland upon which they are going to build homes. Bioremediation is using microorganisms and bacteria to clear up toxic land and rivers. Lionel Bennet comes up to talk to Barnaby. He tells Barnaby about Sam Engells who he has fired and he is worried that he may have something to do with his mother's death.

Barnaby and Winter come up to talk to Giles about his row with Elaine last night. Giles says he didn't like Elaine complaining about his dog, Simba, who barks at night. Giles used to be a police dog handler.

Ruth Cabot tells Barnaby that she knew about the Groedinger's that Elaine had. That's why Elaine wanted to move to Challis Court. She said she'd feel safer there. She'd begun to experience early symptoms. Ruth stated that the family all knew. She didn't think Damian would be able to care for Elaine though. Sebastian can be seen walking with a walker outside. Ruth explains that ten years ago, Sebastian had a cerebral hemmorage. Afterwards it wasn't easy, but they managed. To mark the anniversary, he wanted to do something- the Charity Walk at the County Fair. Barnaby asks Sebastian why he thought letting Elaine into Challis Court was a mistake. Cabot says it was because of her husband, Damian. Years ago, he used to be a police officer. He was in trouble for malfeasance. "Remember the Goldman Forbes job?" says Cabot.

Winter talks to Sam Engells, who lives in a tent by the river. Sam had been in prison. He had trouble finding a job when he got out. He wanted to change, but couldn't make enough money. Trying to get a proper job was hard because he had been in prison. Then he heard about a job as garden laborer with Lionel Bennet. And he got the job until Elaine Bennet recognized him. Then he got fired. Sam denies having anything to do with Elaine's death.

Back at the Cabot house, Sebastian's son Charlie is upset because he broke a vase. He is worried that Barnaby has come to "Take him away." Charlie knows alot about toy cars. His father has a glass case full of cars. Charlie has autism and OCD. The Cabots had to put him in a sheltered environment.

At the pub, Winter tells Barnaby that Sam Engells claims he was in the pub all night. He is in there most nights. Barnaby tells Winter about "The Goldman Forbes" job- about 30 years ago. Just under 5 million pounds was stolen. The gang hid the money at a disused farm near Badger's Drift. A young PC, Damian Bennet, noticed an unusual amount of traffic on the lane leading to the farm. He notified his sergeant, Sebastian Cabot. They found evidence that a gang had been using the farm. They found the money in an outhouse. Cabot and Bennet were heroes. But, when they counted the money, 300,000 pounds was missing. The feeling was that one or more of the gang had taken it. They all denied taking it. A rumor spread that Damian had taken the money.

When interviewed, Damian tells Barnaby it was all a lie- He wouldn't be stupid enough to take the money. It was one of those periodic drives to root out corruption. Damian had bent a few rules. But he was never dirty. Elaine backed him 100%. He says Elaine believed in him and bankrolled him as a private investigator. When he needed her she was there. Damian knew about her Groedinger's disease. He wanted to be there to help her.

Sarah calls Barnaby- the farmer who was to provide the field for the County Fair has pulled out. Barnaby assures her that she will manage to find somewhere else.

Winter tells Barnaby that Sebastian Cabot paid for Elaine's smashed windscreen.

That night there is a break in at Challis Court office. The intruder goes through file cabinets and papers. In the morning, Giles tells Barnaby and Winter that the computer had all the records in it. Barnaby finds a chuck key on the floor.

The police go to talk to Cabot again. He tells Barnaby that he paid the bill for Elaine's smashed windscreen because it was Charlie who smashed it. Elaine was visiting Sebastian and she accidentally broke one of Charlie's cars. Charlie was under caution for something he'd done earlier. So Elaine wanted Sebastian's vote to be admitted to Challis Court. So Cabot paid for the windscreen and also got Elaine into Challis Court.

Lionel is in the Bennet kitchen taking to Damian. The police are considering him for his wife's murder. Damian says maybe he needs to investigate Elaine's murder himself.

Barnaby tells Winter that he went to see Charlie Cabot. He lives in a converted manor house near Midsomer Parva. Especially kitted out, loads of support, very high end. Secure, CCTV. According to Charlie's flatmates, he was in his room the whole evening.

Winter is going through the files of the Goldman Forbes job. He tells Barnaby that most of the gang are either dead or in prison. But one of the gang members got away- Brian Hearst- he would be about 50 now. Perhaps he has come back looking for the missing money. But maybe he was looking for Damian Bennet and Elaine was driving the car and got killed by mistake.

A speed camera out on the Marshwood Road picked up a motor bike at 10:43 the night before last registered to Damian Bennet. So he wasn't asleep. Several of the Goldman Forbes files are missing. Elaine was the last person to check them out the day before she retired. What if there is something in those files that incriminated Damian and Elaine found out?

The cops go to Bennet's house. Lionel tells them Damian has gone. He isn't answering his phone. His clothes, his bike are all gone. Elaine and Damian were arguing more and more. Lionel heard them a week or so ago arguing about Golding and something. On Damian's desk, Winter finds a file with Billy Bevan's photo on it. Barnaby finds a note with Cobra and Panther and MSM on it.

MURDER 2: Winter later finds that Damian has rented a lockup on Downside Lane. The pair go to Damian's lockup and find an incident room with photos of the Goldman Forbes gang, sticky notes, string. They find Damian pinned to the wall with string around him. Fleur says she thinks he was killed with several blows. Fleur thinks it was a warning. Whoever crosses us gets this.

Barnaby sees some stuff on the floor and asks to have it tested. He thinks Damian was investigating the crime.

Matty tells Barnaby that Damian claimed he was innocent and someone else took the money. But lately he was more desperate to clear his name. The harder Damian tried, the worse it was for his relationship with Elaine.

Jenny is out walking with her baby, Freya, and is approached by Sam Engells. "Where is he? Hubby?" He wants the "Money he is owed. Jenny says she will call the police. "No you won't."

Fleur comes into the police station and tells Barnaby that the traces on the floor of Damian's lockup had chicken feces in them. So you are looking for someone who works on a farm or who raises poultry.

Winter finds the files that Elaine Bennet stole. A Duty Statement by Sebastian Cabot. Barnaby wonders where the person hid 300,00. "You couldn't hide it in a pillowcase." Cabot tells him probably real estate.

At the Police Station, "Anything on William Bevan?" asks Winter. "Dodgy deals, suspected back handers, general slipperiness. Nothing outright illegal," replies Barnaby. The land next to Challis Court has a an appeal against it. "There's nothing on William Bevan before 1995. No bank returns, no bank statements."

Winter receives a witness statement from a shop owner that "an old guy came in 4 days ago and bought a chuck key and drill bits. He had a dog and tied him up outside. Called him Simba." Barnaby goes to talk to Giles Franklyn. He tells Barnaby that he borrowed some money from the charity. A year ago, his injury pension was reviewed and they decided he wasn't as badly injured as they thought. He couldn't make ends meet if he wanted to stay at Challis Court. Giles was very happy there with his wife. And he doesn't want to leave. He stole from the charity fund and was going to give it back. Matty Bennet was asking for the files. So Giles tried to destroy everything and make it look like a break-in.

Jenny tells Lionel that Sam wants money he's owed. She thought Sam was going to hit her. She's scared. Lionel tells her everything will be alright.

Billy Bevan is in Barnaby's kitchen. He is Sarah's "knight in shining armor"- he's offered some land for the County Fair. "Which will play well with the council and any appeals launched," says Barnaby. Sarah escorts Bevan to the front door and Barnaby grabs a glass handled by Bevan and puts it in a plastic bag.

Lionel physically confronts Sam. If anything happens to his wife or daughter he is holding Sam responsible.

Later, Barnaby tells Winter that he got a match on the prints from Billy Bevan's glass. He put a rush on it. Before 1995, Bevan was Brian Hearst. Barnaby confronts him. He admits that he was involved in the Goldman Forbes heist. The closer it got, the more nervous he got. He told the gang he was sick on the day of the heist. But he knew about the job and where the money was stashed. So he ran and reinvented himself and went straight. He states he didn't take the 300,000. Bevan says he was at home working when Damian was killed.

Winter figures out that Sam didn't actually show up at the pub the other day. Sam tells him that he waited and watched Lionel's house. Jenny went to bed at 11:30. "I stayed around until 1:00 or later." He didn't see Lionel Bennet come home. Sam claims Lionel may seem nice, but underneath he isn't.

Barnaby tells Winter not to forget to show up for the County Fair. At the fair, Barnaby sees a sign that says MSM- Melling, Sonder & Mueller Valuations. Barnaby reads up on MSM. Melling, Sonder and Mueller is one of Midsomer's leading auctioneers. They have a sign up about "Hidden Treasures"- Are you sitting on a fortune? It show photos of miniature toy cars. Barnaby remembers talking to Charlie Cabot about his cars. His favorite being a Scissor-door Manta Ray which was lost so his dad bought him a different car- A Panther base with a Cobra body. These cars are valued at 130,000 pounds.

Winter goes to talk to Giles about Elaine being in charge of the pension fund and how she cancelled his benefits. Giles says he didn't kill Elaine. Giles shows Winter a photo of himself when he was younger with other sportsmen. Giles says that was the day they won the Federations Sevens Tournament. Same day they found the Goldman Forbes money. They wouldn't have won if Jack Minogue hadn't scored with a drop goal in the last second. The whole game was riding on it. Winter runs up to tell Barnaby at the fair to tel him that Cabot lied on his duty statement years ago. Jack Minogue wasn't on duty- he was playing rugby. Barnaby says he knows why.

Barnaby says to Sebastian that he needs to talk to him. The 1968 Panther base with a Cobra body- That's how Cabot hid the 300,000 pounds he stole from the Goldman Forbes job. Cabot tells Barnaby that he had noticed tire tracks on the farm and he found the money. That's when he took it. It was so much money. He needed it so badly- Charlie needed help and Sebastian couldn't afford it. He was his boy. He hid the money. Then he was worried. He had left fresh tire tracks. He went back to the station and that's where he met PC Bennet. They went together to find the money. He never intended for Bennet to be blamed for the lost money. But later it was easier to start a rumor. He lied about being on patrol with Minogue. He just had to hope nobody noticed. Then he had to hide the money. By then, Charlie was obsessed with the toy cars. He bought and sold the cars. Damian Bennet was close to putting it all together. Cabot denies killing Bennet though. His wife had no idea what he had done. Sebastian asks to complete his walk before he goes to jail. Sebastian tells Charlie he is going to have to go away for awhile and goes off with the police.

Fleur tells Barnaby that Elaine wasn't killed by mistake. There were no particulates from the airbag in her lungs. She found an injury that didn't fit the car crash narrative. Her murderer hoped the injury would be hidden by the crash.

Winter goes to stand in the stocks and children are hitting him with wet sponges. Barnaby tries to hit him three times and misses. Barnaby says it's the case. He feel like he is close. Sarah tells Barnaby that Bevan told her the other night that they use chicken poop to clean up the oil pollution on the land they are developing. Barnaby hits Winter with a sponge and then goes to talk to Lionel. Lionel runs away. Winter chases him. Simba tackles Lionel.

It was the Groedinger's diagnosis. Elaine had told her doctor, Ruth Cabot that she had told Lionel about her diagnosis and that he had been tested. Elaine never told him. She let him start a family without informing him of a fatal disease that his daughter might inherit. Ruth Cabot revealed it at the party. Elaine knew and said nothing. Lionel confronted Elaine. He told her there was 50/50 chance that he had the disease and that Freya might have it too. It had put his daughter's life in danger. Elaine told Lionel she was protecting him. She didn't dare tell him because if he knew they might terminate the pregnancy. And she couldn't have that. Not her grandchild. She had the nerve to make it all about her. Lional pushed her and she fell backwards and hit her head on furniture. Then Lionel covered his tracks and put her in the car and cut the brake cable. He then killed Damian because he knew about the Groedinger's diagnosis too and didn't tell him. And he started investigating. Damian told Lionel about his lockup where he has all his evidence. Lional hit him on the head with a hammer. Then set it up to look like it was all about the stolen heist money.

"Secrets and lies," says Barnaby. "The things we do." Sarah says to Winter, "Shouldn't you be in the stocks cooling your heals?" Winter says, "The case collapsed. The police threw in the sponge."



Body Count[]

Supporting Cast[]

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The building used as Challis Court is the same home in Ghosts of Christmas Past. (Harpsden Court, Harpsden, Oxfordshire, England).

The following actors and actresses who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes


The Trials and Tribulations of Jamie Winter: He had to go stand in the stocks at the County Fair and people threw wet sponges in his face. Barnaby missed him 3-4 times until he figured out the murder and then hit him.

Sarah Barnaby: Relying on John to find her a "criminal" to stand in the stocks at the fair.
