Midsomer Murders Wiki

With Baited Breath is the fourth episode in the Twenty-First series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders. It was first streamed in the U.S. on 1 December 2019 on streaming services Acorn TV and Britbox, with its UK release date announced as 28 March 2021 on ITV1.


Tensions run high in the village of Solomon George when a fishing competition and extreme obstacle course are scheduled for the same weekend. With each group attempting to sabotage the other, it's not long before someone's life is on the line.


Ned Skye is preparing for his competition, the Psycho Mud Run. "So you can actually make money out of torturing people?" asks Artie Blythe. "Build it... and they will suffer," replies Ned Skye as he pounds stakes into the ground. "Oh, I thought you were happy running a paper mill," says Artie. "You're not making them plow through water as well, are you?" Artie touches a hanging electric strand. "Artie, don't!" yells Ned. "This can't be legal," says Artie.

Suddenly they hear screaming. At the end of a boat dock, a boy is trying to throw a girl into the lake. Under the water comes a grim sound. Heavy breathing. The girl and boy race to jump in the water. The boy hangs back and the girl jumps in. The boy calls to her. "Josie? Josie? Josie." Artie takes off his hat and jacket. Josie pops up to the surface laughing. Ned tells her to get out of the water. Something is coming toward her under the water. "Take my hand! Hurry! Come on!" They grab her and pull her out. "Was that what I think it was?" says Artie. "Yeah. Ahab... the monster of the lake," says Ned.

A fire service van pulls up in front of the Fisherman's Arms. Inside, owner, Izzy Silvermane says, "Welcome to The Fisherman's Arms." Inside the kitchen, Harper Kaplan greets his girlfriend, Simone Skye. "Here comes my future." After she leaves, Harper shows chef, Griffin Twigg an engagement ring. "I'm gonna propose tomorrow." "Have you asked Simone's dad yet?" says Griff.

In the lobby of the inn, Lex Bedford says to his team, "Check in, then meet me out front. Quick 5K to blow the cobwebs." DS Jamie Winter says, "Is that your van outside? Does it double as an ambulance?" Winter is going to be in the "Psycho Run" too.

Simone brings Lex to his room. He sees a sign outside the window of a large fish. "What is that?" he asks. "That's Ahab. Twenty grand to the first person to catch him. First competition we've had here in years. Surprised you didn't hear about it. The build-up's been boring me to death for weeks. Mind you, they can't catch something that doesn't exist. Enjoy your stay," says Simone and leaves. Lex makes a phone call, "I know it's been ages, but listen. I'm at Solomon Gorge. Yeah. Never mind why. You need to get here."

Cornelius Tetbury is speaking to a reporter outside. "Inevitably, there's a lot of discussion about it. But there are myths and there are truths, and Ahab is a bona fide truth. And I am gonna prove that beyond all doubt this weekend. His time is up." Griff comes up and interrupts them, "He tells all the girls about his monster."

Griff goes over to the Bait Shop, F. Lamb's Fishing LTD.. "Uh, give me two of everything, please, Freddie, mate. I need, uh, two carp rods, um, hooks, swivels, I need, uh, two carp rods, um, hooks, swivels, 10 kilos of boilies, plus a sack of pellet." "Need to see your money first," says Freddie Lamb. "You're going up against the pros, Griff. World-class anglers, mate."

Ned is viewing the sign "Solomon Gorge Fishathon"- Can you catch the monster?" Harper goes over to speak to Ned, He says he would like to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. Ned blinks and laughs at him. "You almost had me going." says Ned.

In the bait shop, Damian Lint demands a refund for his fishing peg. "You are a charlatan, Mr. Lamb. The course of this abomination runs clean through the lake." Freddie says, "Well, it can't. I've got an agreement in place." Damian shows him a map of the Psycho Mud Run. "That is the course. That is the lake. You see how they converge? All of the fish will be spooked, including Ahab!" Other fishermen come in the shop...What's going on, Freddie?... Is this some sort of joke?.. This ain't gonna work, Freddie... Yeah. We want our money back."

Izzy Silvermane sees Griffin coming in with fishing equipment, which he drops all over the floor. "We're fully booked. I need you this weekend," says Izzy. "It's only two days," says Griffin. Lex comes up to Griff and asks what he is doing here. Lex puts a fish hook in Griffins jacket.

Ned walks in the bait shop. "You rerouted the course," accuses Freddie. "I meant to tell you," Ned says "That's why I'm here now. I need the Psycho to be more of a test." Freddie says, "We shook hands. The one thing your stupid course isn't supposed to do is go near the lake. ..Change it back. I spent years trying to set up another fishing competition." Ned walks out. He doesn't change the course.

At the entry point for the Psycho Mud Run, runners are warming up. Lex says to his team, "Remember, we're reigning champions, going for a fourth win in five Midsomer Mud Runs, let's get it done!" DCI John Barnaby says to his wife, Sarah Barnaby, "So, is there a-a prize for winning?" Sarah says, "Winning? I'll be happy just to make it over the finish line." Barnaby says, "I should've brought some tinfoil to wrap around you." DS Jamie Winter shows up dressed in pink, much to his chagrin. Winter trash talks with Lex' teammates. P.C. Jade-Marie Pierce shows up as Winter's only teammate. Fleur Perkins arrives and says she couldn't resist seeing a big scary fish eat Winter. "One word, Winter... Jaws," says Fleur. Harper and Simone arrive. Barnaby and Betty and Paddy see the giant sign with the big fish. Paddy runs off and runs into the inn. Izzy is putting up a postcard from her daughter amongst other postcards.

The Mud Run starts and runners go off on the course. First there is a tire obstacle course. Than the high jump. When people get to the part where they have to crawl on the ground, the participants get cut by multiple fish hooks strewn across the course. Paramedics treat the injured in the Inn.

Ned says he checked the course the previous night and it was fine. Barnaby greets Artie Blythe who used to be a DCI. Artie took early retirement. Ned says he wants to know who sabotaged his course. Barnaby says he isn't there in an official capacity. Artie begs him to investigate. The local police won't investigate until Monday. So Barnaby asks Winter to find out if anyone was on the course after 9:00 pm. last night. Winter says he is off duty this weekend. PC Pierce volunteers to do it. So Winter goes along with her. Sarah walks up and says she is taking Betty home. Barnaby says "We'll watch Winter get trampled another time."

Out on the Mud Run, Fleur is collecting fish hooks.. Winter finds a container from F. Lamb's Fishing LTD. The police head to Freddie's bait shop. Barnaby says Ned Skye thinks Freddie is against the Mud Run. Artie helped Ned to reroute the course of the Mud Run through the lake. Who's going to enter a fishing competition after that? PC Pierce brings in a bag of fish hooks collected from the course.

"Could these be from your shop?" asks Barnaby, showing Freddie the hooks and the packaging. They ask to look at the purchase book. Griffin Twigg bought them. Barnaby invites Artie to assist in the investigation.

Barnaby and Artie walk along the lake where there are several fishermen. "There's Twigg. The guy with the funny hat." says Artie. "Griff, this is D.C.I. John Barnaby from Causton Police Department. He'd like to ask you a few questions. We know you purchased these from Freddie Lamb." Griff checks his box and finds his fish hooks are missing.

Barnaby instructs Winter and DC Pierce to check out Griffin Twigg. He's a chef at the Inn. "Find out exactly how much winning 20 grand would mean to him." Winter says, "You think he'd sabotage the Psycho just to win the fishing competition?" Barnaby replies, "Nobody will catch a thing with people like you churning up the lake."

Blaise makes a recording for her blog. Then she talks to Damian Lint. "Your new rods sum you up. Garish and horribly female," says Damian. "Give up, Damian. With me and Lex around, you won't catch a thing," says Blaise.

Harper bangs on Lex's door. He wants to talk to him. Lex says no, but Harper goes into his room. Damian listens from the stairwell.

Cornelius is using an underwater device to view the fish that sends video to his iPad. He quickly hides it when Griffin comes up and asks for fish hooks. Cornelius tells him no, but Griff takes some hooks anyway.

In the Inn, Ned finishes a phone call, "Thank you for your understanding. It's hugely appreciated." He tells Simone that the course has been inspected, and the mud run can go ahead tomorrow. Artie asks how he managed that. Ned says he just pointed out just pointed out that the village would suffer financially. Barnaby asks, "What made you decide to reroute the course, Mr. Skye?" Ned says, "Well, I can't call it a Psycho Mud Run and make it too easy." Barnaby asks if there is anyone other than Freddie who didn't approve of the changes. Harper enters and starts to propose to Simone. Ned tells him "No." Simone runs off. Outside, Simone tells Izzy that she hates her dad and wants to "go anywhere so long as long as I never see him again." Izzy comforts her. Since her daughter, Lola, left they don't see each other. "Don't reduce your relationship to a series of postcards."

MURDER 1: Lex makes a call from a phone booth, "I'm sorry for calling, but, uh, I need to talk to you." Later at night, Lex sees a figure on the dock. He says, "Thanks for giving me the chance to explain. Only I-I promise I didn't know the mud run was coming here. Soon as I did, I tried to wriggle out of it. Truth is I-I never wanted to come to Solomon Gorge. I didn't know about the fishing competition. I didn't want to visit this place. Not then. Not now." Suddenly someone turns on the current on the walkway and Lex gets electrocuted and falls into the river.

The next day, Winter and Pierce prep for the beginning of the Mud Run. Winter tells Barnaby, "We did some digging into Griffin Twigg." Pierce adds, "He's facing bankruptcy after he cheated on his wife and she took him for every penny." Winter says, "Twenty grand would go a long way to solving his problems." Barnaby deduces, "Making it in his best interest to keep the runners away from the lake."

Ned announces, "Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, back to do it all over again. Three! Two! One!" The race starts. Simone says she can't see Harper and tells her dad he had no right to embarrass him like that. Ned responds that if she loved him, she would have said yes despite what her dad said. Simone says she is still moving away. But Ned has her passport. He can't look after Simone if she is halfway across the world. Jamie arrives at the "Electric City" where you have to wade through electric wires dripping down. Pierce sees a body in the water. Dead.

Winter says, 'It's Lex Bedford, chief of Causton Fire Station." Fleur reports that he was in the water maybe eight to ten hours, He was electrocuted. That part of the course was wired to give mild shocks. Someone rigged the current.

Cornelius is on the bank of the lake with his iPad. He tells Barnaby and Artie that it is just an app that tells you the best time of day to fish. Artie says that Lex Bedford was murdered last night. Cornelius says Lex was an angling legend. He used to be a celebrity in the angling world, one of the best in recent memory. He retired... Cornelius says, "I saw him out jogging, training for the mud run." He hasn't been seen anywhere near the lake.

Pierce says to Winter that she is hoping to get promoted this year, get out of uniform. She smiles at Winter, "Imagine if we ended up working alongside each other permanently." Fleur says, "You two ought to get a room. I've got a key."

Barnaby and Artie walk by Blaise's equipment. Barnaby asks Damian if it is usual for fishermen to leave their pegs? Damian says, "I don't know why she entered. She hasn't even cast a line yet. There's the small matter of corporate deals and advertising." Damian did see Harper Kaplan talking to Lex. Ned says to Blaise, "I thought the police would've cordoned the lake off. It's a crime scene, isn't it? Why are people still fishing?" Winter walks up to Barnaby and Artie, "Just spoke with the fire crew. Three years ago, Lex sacked Harper Kaplan..He was hotheaded, impetuous, and didn't follow orders. No one could prove it, but they think that he poured paraffin over Lex's car and then set fire to it. With the mud run canceled, Freddie Lamb's fishing competition is back in full swing."

Barnaby finds Harper in the Fisherman's Inn. "Mr. Kaplan. A word if I may. Lex Bedford sacked you from the fire service three years ago. Is that correct? Simone's father might have been more receptive to your proposal if you'd had a job." Artie asks if Harper was near the mud run last night? Harper denies that. He says that after seeing Freddie heading that way, the last thing he wanted was his pity. Barnaby asks Harper how he got the cuts on his hands? "You said that, uh, you and Griffin Twigg had been hanging out a lot. He bought a lot of fishing tackle, then had some of it stolen. It meant a lot to you, winning the mud run, becoming someone you hoped might be worth marrying. Simone overhears and walks up "Harper?" Barnaby arrests for causing serious bodily harm with intent to maim or wound. Harper says, "Simone, I wanted to win to show your dad, to show you both! I love you, Simone. I'll do anything for you. Anything. But I'm not a killer. I swear." Harper is taken away in a police car.

Barnaby says to Artie, "You're starting to enjoy this." Artie says, "Didn't realize I missed police work this much. Starting to think... I retired too soon. Freddie Lamb closes his shop. He says he has to pick up more stock. Barnaby asks if he was by the mud run. Freddie says, "Ever been in love? I was engaged once, till she upped and left without saying a single word. And this makes you wander the woods? I have a shed out there. That's where I went last night. It's the postcard. They always set me off." Lola Silvermane sends postcards from various places around the world. Izzy posts them in the Inn. Freddie says Lola never sends him a postcard.

Winter and Pierce talk to Griff. He says he just said hello to Lex in passing. Lex is not that friendly.

MURDER 2: Cornelius goes to the bait shop and calls for Freddie. The shop is empty. Then he sees worms crawling on the floor. Then he sees Ned Skye's head poking out of a barrel of worms.

Fleur says Ned was killed elsewhere and moved to the bait shop. Cornelius came to the shop because he ran out of bait. The door was open. Barnaby and Artie go to tell Simone. She admits that she and her father had a row. Simone told him she wanted to get away. She never got a chance to say sorry to him. Artie comforts her. Harper is out on bail. Simone hasn't seen him, but he was really angry with Ned.

At the police station, Barnaby compares the map of the new Psycho Mud Run to the original. Ned made the course shorter and easier. A couple of tougher features have been cordoned off. He made the changes to the course the same day that the Fishing Competition was announced, rerouting it through the lake. Barnaby asks if there is a link between Lex and Ned. Winter shows him a newspaper article featuring Blaise McQuinn who is photographed with Ned Skye. She last saw him several years ago. They went their separate ways. She used to be friends with Lex back when he was a champion angler. Winter says, "Surely fishing is just about luck." Blaise says, "This is my career - I get sponsored."

Suddenly there are yells from Griffin Twigg. He has a large fish on his line. Cornelius gives him advice. Winter goes in to help but is pushed away. Other anglers aren't allowed to help him with it since it's against the rules. Winter grabs Griff before he falls in the lake and he loses the fish.

Barnaby and Artie go to interview Simone again. Since the Psycho Run was rerouted at the last minute, they want to know why. Simone says she doesn't know why her dad changed the course. He just said it was something he had to do. Artie asks if Ned and Lex met. Izzy says she never saw them. Blaise and Ned did not have a great relationship since they broke up. She wanted to travel the world and he said no. She got nasty.

Winter and Pierce talk to Cornelius about the fishing rule. Cornelius says, "That's competitive fishing for you... The emphasis on competitive. Pros have to win at all costs." Cornelius says if he hooked a legend like Ahab, he could probably turn pro. Winter says it is strange that Lex Bedford would turn his back on that. Griffin walks up and says that they should look at Lex's old mentor, Damian Lint. "The teacher taught the pupil, then the pupil turned around and showed the teacher what fishing was all about." Lex and Damian were like father and son once upon a time. But now, Damian hated his guts.

MURDER 3: At night, Cornelius is by his tent on the waterside. He grabs Griffin's hat and puts it on, which was left there. He sees something on his iPad and goes running into the woods. Lots of strange noises occur. Someone hits him in the head with a slingshot.

At the Barnaby house, Barnaby and Sarah and Artie have just finished dinner. Artie gets up to go, but Sarah offers him a spare bed. Betty comes in and says she lost her teddy. Artie says she's in luck because she has two policemen here who are experts in finding teddies.

The next morning, Barnaby and Artie go to Freddie Lamb's shed. It has an old fridge in back. Barnaby lifts the lid and finds Cornelius' dead body in the freezer. Fleur shows Barnaby the murder weapons - slingshots.

Pierce shows Barnaby Cornelius' remote control camera with infrared capability. It can probably go out as far as 100 meters. Cornelius was cheating. Maybe someone found out. Barnaby tells Winter to go through the footage. There may be a clip of the killer. He also instructs Winter to look into Blaise McQuinn. She had a past with Ned.

Winter views Blaise' video blog- "This used to be a man's world. But women are here to fish, my friends. And we're not going away any time soon." Freddie sold about 20 slingshots but there is one he can't account for. He thinks it was stolen. Blaise has a fierce rivalry with Lex back when he was fishing. No connection to Cornelius though. Barnaby says there has to be a connection between the three victims. The police found Cornelius' phone in the woods with Griffin's hat. Winter saw Griffin leave his hat at the lake and Cornelius picked it up.

At the lake, Pierce shows them a video from Cornelius' iPad of a Jeep in the bottom. A suitcase falls out of the Jeep. Izzy finds a necklace that fell out of the Jeep. Artie says he thinks he knows who is in the Jeep. It's Lola. Freddie looks on. Back at the Inn, Izzy says there has to be a mistake. She writes to me all the time. Barnaby says, "The pathologist has established that an old leg injury on the body matches Lola's medical records." Someone has copied Lola's handwriting and sent Izzy the postcards. Artie comforts Izzy.

Barnaby says, "Two things. Apparently, Lola didn't own a car, so whose jeep was she driving? And also, I need a list of dates and places these postcards were sent from."

Pierce asks Griff about his relationship with Cornelius. She is trying to see how the victims are linked. Also Griffin's hat was found with Cornelius' blood on it. Griff says he threw the hat away. It was meant to be lucky.

Griffin goes to the lake to talk to Blaise. He tells her that he thinks someone tried to kill him. If they did then they are coming for Blaise as well. Blaise tells Griff to go his way and she will go her way.

Barnaby tells Freddie that he needs alibis for all three murders. Freddie says he can't think straight right now. He and Lola were crazy about each other. Barnaby says they found a suitcase in the Jeep and so Lola must have been leaving. That seems odd if she and Freddie were so much in love. Freddie can't explain why that was. He tells Barnaby that Lola had "a row with her mum, but it was just standard mother and headstrong daughter stuff. Izzy blames herself for Lola running away." Barnaby gets a phone call from Fleur. She tells Barnaby that the Jeep is the vehicle that collided with Lola. "Lola endured massive trauma. I've seen it a hundred times in hit-and-run cases. Instinct and years of being the most intelligent person in the room tells me we'll find samples of her skin and clothing on the front grille... Assuming there's any left after all that time underwater." Barnaby asks, "She was run over and then put in the jeep afterwards?" Artie says, "I think this is Ned's jeep. I remember he reported it stolen. Same night Lola supposedly left Solomon Gorge."

Simone looks up records from 10 years ago. Simone says, "Lex Bedford stayed here 10 years ago. So did Damian Lint and Blaise McQuinn. No surprise there. Was a big fishing competition on." Pierce says, "I'll get onto the postcards."

Pierce says to Jamie, "We work well together." It seems that something is going on between them.

Harper Kaplan comes looking for Simone. He has an airplane ticket for her so she can get away. He wants to set her free.

Barnaby and Artie come by to talk to Damian Lint by the lake. Damian says, "Thank you so much for canceling the fishing. I couldn't be happier... Well, you'd better find Blaise. Someone will nick that lot. Mind you, she wouldn't even notice. Hasn't done a single second of fishing." They ask Damian about the fishing competition 10 years ago. Lex won that year. Damian says, "I taught that ingrate everything, and not once did he ever credit me. Not in one victory speech, not in one interview. Nothing." Lex probably had a celebration with friends but didn't invite Damian. Damian says he didn't talk much to Ned Skye or Cornelius Tetbury. He doesn't talk to amateurs. He denies knowing that Cornelius was cheating.

Pierce looks over Blaise's blog.."A Girl in a Buoy's World." She compares the dates and places with the postcards supposedly sent by Lola.

Winter reports that Fleur says the transmission on the Jeep was damaged in the hit and run, meaning it must have been pushed into the lake. Maybe more than one person pushed the Jeep in. Barnaby says, "Damian Lint said that Lex always threw a small victory party, which means others were with him that night."

Pierce comes in and shows Barnaby that the dates on the postcards correlate with Blaise's fishing trips.

Winter and Pierce go to a try to find someone who recognizes the people from 10 years ago.

Barnaby and Artie go to try to find Blaise. Simone says that her dad and Blaise broke up a day after Ned's jeep got stolen.

Barnaby and Winter go to a bar and ask the patrons if they recognize anyone from 10 years ago. A drunken man says he knows things. He points to two people who showed up in a Jeep. Also a bloke and a woman. He identifies Griffin as the driver of the Jeep.

Griffin is wandering around the woods and sits down by a tree. Izzy finds him. Griff says he doesn't know where to turn next. Izzy says "You've always... been so kind to me. And I don't deserve it. I really... and truly don't. Only, God forgive me... but I was the one driving that jeep."

Winter says, "We've now got Blaise, Ned, Griffin, and Lex in the jeep." Barnaby says, "They take a shortcut through the woods." They hit Lola and decide to shove the Jeep and poor Lola. Into the lake rather than explain what happened. Blaise then starts sending postcards to stop Izzy wondering where her daughter is. And now two of the people involved in Lola's death have been murdered... Barnaby says, "The killer mistook Cornelius for Griffin. The hat. It was dark. He was hit from behind." Winter says, "So if his murder was a mistake, that means..." Pierce interjects, "Someone in the jeep could be bumping the others off." Artie says, "In order to protect the secret and themselves." Barnaby says, "Or someone knows what happened and they're taking revenge on Lola's killers. We need to find Blaise and Griffin. One or both of them could be in danger."

In the Inn, Izzy brings Griffin some tea. She says, "No one will know you're here." Griffin says, "I still can't believe you're helping me. It wasn't my fault. It was Lex's. He kept fooling around. He was waving the trophy in my face. And then... I took my eyes off the road for one second... and then when I looked up, she was there... Lola... in the middle of the lane. I had to stand by and watch those postcards arriving. The amount of times I wanted to say something. I'm sorry!" He starts crying. Izzy leaves and locks the door. Griffin yells after here.

A policeman brings in a package for Barnaby. It contains two bears. A gift from Artie. Fleur tells him she has an update on Cornelius. He was killed earlier. Probably around 9:00 p.m. If he made a phone call at 10:48 it was only through a medium.

Winter comes in and says, "There's still no sign of either Blaise or Griffin. I've put out an APB." Barnaby says, "Lola went into the woods with her suitcase but never said goodbye to Freddie because... What if she was never actually leaving the village? We know that she had an argument with her mother. What if, in typical teenage fashion, she decided to move out, to go and live somewhere else and with someone else? Have we got a map of Solomon Gorge?"

Barnaby, Winter and Pierce go to the cottage in the woods. They hear a boat being rowed. They go out on the dock and see Artie rowing the boat with Blaise tied up in the back.

"Knew you'd work it out in the end, John. Didn't want it to be this quickly, though." says Artie. "I'm not going to prison, John." Blaise wakes up, "Oh, my God. Oh! Do something! I didn't do anything! I was in the back of the jeep! I-It was the others that made me.."

Lola's necklace was a gift from Artie for her 18th birthday. Izzy had just told Artie that he was Lola's dad, and. Artie panicked and went to Ned for advice, and he said that a good dad was what every girl deserved. He left the necklace on her doorstep. But she wanted to know who it was from. Izzy eventually told her. Artie says, "We met up a few times. I mean, I-I'd known her all her life as a... As a kid in the village but now... as my daughter. It was... strange. Exciting. Wasn't easy for Izzy, though. They had a-a big row, and then... Lola just turned up on my doorstep. Said she was coming to live with me. But I didn't know how to be a dad, John! It was too soon. And I, um... I sent her back to her mum. I sent her back to her mum."

Barnaby says, "And that's why she was walking through the woods with her suitcase that night. She was on her way back from your cottage. After she disappeared, you spent the next 10 years blaming yourself for her leaving Solomon Gorge." Artie says, "I tried so hard... to bring her home... to say sorry. I gave up everything just to try and find... But she wasn't there to find, was she? And then Lex Bedford showed up. Came to me to confess. Thought I was still a cop. Not knowing he was really talking to Lola's father. He gave me the names of the others, and something just... snapped. I'm sorry about Cornelius. Stupid hat threw me. But I... And for what it's worth, John... I didn't enjoy lying to you." Artie says he couldn't find Griffin Twigg? Artie throws away the paddle and grabs Blaise and goes over the side with her. Winter and Pierce jump in and Blaise and Artie are caught. Lois tells Barnaby that there is one more... Griffin Twigg. She has him locked up in his office.

Barnaby and Winter are on the dock. There are creepy noises coming from the water. Winter says he asked Pierce and she turned him down. He thought he was getting a vibe from her. Barnaby says, "How could you misread that? Honestly. You call yourself a detective? Don't text her now. You'll just embarrass yourself. Give that to me." They struggle over the phone and it falls in the water. Winter goes to take off his shoes to jump in. {Gurgling and growling from the water}. Barnaby says, "Steady. There's a monster lurking out there." Winter says, "You know, I think I'm due an upgrade."



Body Count[]

Prior to the Episode

In the Episode

Supporting Cast[]

Episode Images[]



Midsomer Murders Series 21 Episode 4 - With Baited Breath Preview



The following actors and actresses who appeared in this episode have also appeared in the following episodes


Trials and Tribulations of Jamie Winter: Jamie gets roped into working the murder scene even though he has the weekend off as he is in the Psycho Mud Run.

He also gets false encouragement from PC Jade-Marie Pierce who makes obvious inviting comments leading to Jamie asking her out. (such as: "Imagine if we ended up working alongside each other permanently," and "We work well together.") At the end, Barnaby says, "How could you misread that? Honestly. You call yourself a detective? Don't text her now. You'll just embarrass yourself. Give that to me." They struggle over the phone and it falls in the water. Winter goes to take off his shoes to jump in. {Gurgling and growling from the water}. Barnaby says, "Steady. There's a monster lurking out there." Winter says, "You know, I think I'm due an upgrade."
